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Our top stories from January 2024

Published: February 6, 2024

Baled OCC for recycling.

Max Barnum/Shutterstock

A recycled paper mill closing its doors drew reader interest last month, as did legislative activity around the country, EPR implementation in California, new numbers on fiber disposal and a MRF operator acquisition.
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GreenDot ends North American operations, RLG shifts focus

Published: February 6, 2024

Close up of a meeting with microphone and papers on the desk.

Two producer responsibility organizations have changed their focuses recently. | ESB Professional/Shutterstock

Producer responsibility organization GreenDot has ceased operating in North America, citing a strategic alignment to focus on more mature regulatory markets. Continue Reading

Details on Oregon’s $150M trash-sorting MRF

Published: February 6, 2024


The $150 million price tag on the new Lane County, Oregon, facility will be footed by Bulk Handling Systems and the county. | Courtesy of Bulk Handling Systems

An upcoming facility in Lane County, Oregon, will process mixed waste, commingled recyclables and organics and is projected to boost the county’s diversion rate by as much as 20 percentage points. Continue Reading

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Strategic emerges from bankruptcy with reduced debt

Published: January 29, 2024

Glass bottles piled for recycling.

Strategic Materials reduced its total debt by over $300 million and secured about $60 million in new capital to get itself out of bankruptcy. | Torychemistry/Shutterstock

Nearly two months after filing for bankruptcy, Strategic Materials has restructured itself, reduced its debt and secured more funding.  Continue Reading

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Recology upgrades MRF serving Northern California

Published: January 29, 2024


Recology’s newest MRF in California has seven optical sorters, an eddy current separator, drum magnet and 109 conveyor belts. | Courtesy of Recology

A $35 million materials recovery facility that opened this week in Sonoma County promises to more than double the processing capacity of the sorting center it is replacing. Continue Reading

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Tech to spot hidden batteries draws $6.4M investment

Published: January 29, 2024


BinIt’s Visia system can combine cameras, X-rays and artificial intelligence to spot batteries hidden under or inside recyclable material streams. | Courtesy of BinIT

A young technology company’s imaging system combines cameras, X-rays and artificial intelligence to allow recycling facility operators to peer into their waste streams and remove the hidden menace of lithium-ion batteries and other hazards, the company’s CEO said in a recent interview. Continue Reading

Rising packaging and tissue markets lift fiber prices

Published: January 29, 2024


Experts noted that lower OCC generation and higher demand is driving up recycled fiber prices. | Trainman111/Shutterstock

Containerboard, cartonboard and tissue markets appear primed for growth in the years ahead, experts say. That spells good news for recycled paper prices, which have been on a slow climb over the last half year. Continue Reading

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Colorado shares needs assessment, modeling draft

Published: January 29, 2024

Colorado state capitol building at sunset.

Colorado’s Producer Responsibility Organization Circular Action Alliance released a needs assessment that lays out accepted recyclable lists, models the effects of several improvement scenarios and evaluates access to services and costs. | Joseph Sohm/Shutterstock

In another step toward implementation of extended producer responsibility for packaging, Colorado regulators published a report laying out which materials would be covered and exploring different options for how the program could operate. Continue Reading