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Northeast state takes next step toward EPR for packaging

Published: January 21, 2020

The Maine capitol building in Augusta.

No U.S. state currently has an EPR law in place for packaging. | Yurii Prohonnyi/Shutterstock

Maine legislators are gearing up to introduce a bill that would mandate producers to fund the recycling of packaging they put on the market. The plan calls for different requirements based on whether a packaging type is “readily recyclable.”

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China trade deal retains existing tariffs

Published: January 21, 2020

U.S. and Chinese flags.

OCC and other recovered fiber shipments to China will continue to face a 25% duty. | cybrain/Shutterstock

The U.S. and China signed a deal last week seemingly calming their trade war. But Chinese tariffs on OCC, recycled pulp and other materials will remain for the time being.

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Public agency agrees to settle in e-scrap case

Published: January 21, 2020


An Iowa solid waste commission agreed to pay to help remove lead-containing glass and other electronic scrap from warehouses in Ohio. | mojo cp/Shutterstock

An Iowa solid waste commission recently agreed to pay nearly $240,000 to help fund the removal of materials from old TVs and computer monitors that were abandoned in Ohio.

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