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Northeast MRFs report skyrocketing bale values

Published: November 30, 2021


A survey of 16 MRFs in 10 northeastern states found the average blended value of a ton of curbside recyclables rose substantially in the third quarter. | Natallia Boroda/Shutterstock

Materials recovery facilities in the northeastern U.S. enjoyed a sharp increase in recyclables prices during the third quarter, according to a survey from the Northeast Recycling Council.

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Paper end users reflect on 2021 OCC price runup

Published: November 30, 2021

Stacks of baled paper for recycling.

Recovered fiber users recently reported on the financial impact of material prices over the past quarter. | Siwakorn1933/Shutterstock

One major paper company reported a 179% increase in OCC prices year over year during the third quarter. Although the OCC market has cooled slightly since then, paper companies are projecting similarly elevated prices for the year to come.

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Recycled pulp plants planned for Southeast

Published: November 30, 2021

Map showing a pin in Savannah, Ga.

Celadon will build its North American headquarters and a recycled brown pulp manufacturing line near Savannah, Ga. | FellowNeko/Shutterstock

A $155 million facility to recycle OCC and mixed paper is coming to the Savannah, Ga. area, the governor’s office announced.

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Paper exports stable despite Chinese market exit

Published: November 30, 2021

Cargo ship docked at a shipping terminal.

U.S. fiber exports totaled 4.38 million short tons during the third quarter, up from 4.30 million in 2020. | Avigator Fortuner/Shutterstock

The third quarter of the year brought a resilient recovered fiber export market, even as the largest overseas buyer virtually disappeared. Meanwhile, scrap plastic exports continued a precipitous decline.

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Stakeholders chime in for America Recycles Day

Published: November 16, 2021

Novelis - State Farm Arena - Cups

Aluminum recycling company Novelis signed a recycling partnership agreement with the Atlanta Hawks and State Farm Arena. | Courtesy of Novelis

A call for recycling consistency, the launch of a multi-family recycling pilot program, and details on free local-program resources were among the announcements tied to America Recycles Day. Continue Reading

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Pace Glass, which had $90M processing plans, goes bust

Published: November 2, 2021

Pace Glass satellite pic

A 2021 satellite image provided by Google shows the partially constructed glass recycling facility in Andover, N.J.

A company working to build a post-consumer glass sorting facility in New Jersey has failed, and its equipment is being auctioned. Meanwhile, environmental regulators are suing the business over contaminated glass piles.

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