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Congress targets recycling and composting ‘information gaps’

Published: June 21, 2022

The U.S. capitol building.

Proposed legislation would direct the EPA to create a comprehensive baseline of data on the U.S. recycling system, report on end markets for collected materials, and more. | ItzaVU/Shutterstock

A bipartisan group of lawmakers has introduced legislation that would call on the federal government to produce in-depth research on the state of America’s recycling and composting systems.

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Industry group: Help us find the plastic bale volumes we need

Published: June 21, 2022

Bales of plastics for recycling.

A European analysis shows 9 million metric tons of discarded plastic was collected for sorting, out of 30 million produced in 2021. | Muhammad Azman/Shutterstock

European plastic recyclers are struggling to get enough material, even as exports of plastics decline and values rise.

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Oregon Truth-in-Labeling Task Force submits final report

Published: June 7, 2022

Package with recycle symbol and recyclable language.

A task force in Oregon has set recommendations for recyclability labeling for consumer packaged goods. | Olivier Le Moal/Shutterstock

After nine meetings over five months, the Oregon Truth-in-Labeling Task Force has submitted its final report and recommendations to the state legislature.

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US scrap paper exports sink slightly as plastics drop sharply

Published: June 14, 2022


India, Mexico and Vietnam are still the top three destinations for U.S. OCC and paper in the first quarter of 2022.  | Siwakorn1933/Shutterstock

U.S. exports of recovered fiber held relatively steady during the first quarter of 2022, but scrap plastic shipments plunged by more than one-fifth.  Continue Reading

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OECD says plastic pollution will grow faster than recycling rate

Published: June 14, 2022

Plastics littering a beach in Malaysia.

An OECD report anticipates marine debris will increase significantly in volume over the next several decades. | Rich Carey/Shutterstock

Globally, discarded plastic levels could nearly triple by 2060, with about half of the plastic ending up in landfill and less than a fifth recycled, an OECD report projected.

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Our top stories from May 2022

Published: June 14, 2022

Close up view of an bale of UBCs for recycling.

News of an upcoming $2.5B aluminum recycling plant from Novelis was of interest to readers last month. | Courtesy of Novelis

Articles about extended producer responsibility legislation attracted ample clicks last month, along with news about a planned new aluminum recycling plant and the U.S. paper recycling rate.

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