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Author Archives: Marissa Heffernan

About Marissa Heffernan

Marissa HeffernanMarissa Heffernan started working for Resource Recycling in January 2022 after spending several years as a reporter at a daily newspaper in Southwest Washington. She can be contacted at [email protected].

California picks EPR producer group and releases draft rules

Published: January 8, 2024


The California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery published drafts of its covered material list categories for the extended producer responsibility for packaging program, among other announcements. | Joseph Sohm/Shutterstock

California is moving ahead on implementation of its extended producer responsibility law. The state agency recently released a draft of the regulations and selected a producer responsibility organization.  Continue Reading

Smart bins target contamination at street level

Published: January 2, 2024


An AI-powered sorting bin from MyMatR is deployed in a pilot program at a public library in High Point, N.C. | Photo courtesy MyMatR

Consumer education is a traditional way to reduce contamination, but the founder of startup MyMatR is combining it with AI to offer a “smart” self-sorting bin for public spaces.  Continue Reading

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Report: Bottle bill states recycle more, provide models

Published: January 2, 2024


U.S. states with container deposit programs have the highest recycling rates in the country, according to new research. | Aleks333/Shutterstock

A report from Eunomia Research and Consulting found that nine of the 10 states with the highest recycling rates have deposit return systems, and that bottle bill states also contribute a higher percentage of packaging that is recycled in the U.S. Continue Reading

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Closed Loop invests in aluminum-hydrogen tech

Published: January 2, 2024


Closed Loop invested in a technology that can take aluminum scrap from any source and turn it into a manufacturing precursor material and energy. | John New/Shutterstock

Closed Loop Partners invested in a company that uses contaminated aluminum to create hydrogen fuel and a raw material used to manufacture aluminum.  Continue Reading

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Recycling industry makes announcements at COP28

Published: December 12, 2023

Organics compost collection bin filled with scrap food.

Recycling industry players used the backdrop of the United Nations COP28 to make announcements. | Thomas Holt/Shutterstock

With leaders from around the world gathered to discuss climate change and action at COP28, the recycling industry is chiming in with its expertise and new goals.  Continue Reading

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NY mayor cuts curbside e-scrap pick-up service

Published: December 4, 2023


Mayor Eric Adams attributes the cessation of services to growing costs from the migrant crisis, among other factors. | Monster Ztudio/Shutterstock

New York City residents on Staten Island lost the option to have their scrap electronics picked up curbside after the mayor made large-scale budget cuts.  Continue Reading

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Reusable packaging generating reports, action

Published: December 4, 2023

Pile of mixed single use plastics.

Canadian technology company is working to reduce single-use plastic foodware at universities. | Kanittha Boon/Shutterstock

Several recently published reports from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and Oceana explored how to scale reusable packaging, while a Canadian company took another step toward establishing one such system. Continue Reading

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NY attorney general sues PepsiCo over river pollution

Published: November 27, 2023


A lawsuit from New York State Attorney General Letitia James makes a number of allegations against PepsiCo, including failure to warn the public about the environmental impact of its products. | Pixinoo/Shutterstock

New York State’s attorney general is the latest to launch a lawsuit against a major brand over plastic, this time focused on pollution. Continue Reading

EPA studies costs of recycling programs, awards grants

Published: November 27, 2023

Folders showing grants, projects and funding titles.

As the EPA issues tens of millions in grants, it is also funding research to ensure that grant money is used effectively. | Olivier Le Moal/Shutterstock

The U.S. EPA is sponsoring a study of the costs and benefits of municipal recycling programs, and at the same time the agency is directing more funding toward the sector.  Continue Reading

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