British Columbians have another place to recycle plastics collected during shoreline, ocean and industrial cleanups. Continue Reading
British Columbians have another place to recycle plastics collected during shoreline, ocean and industrial cleanups. Continue Reading
The majority of Fortune 500 companies are not on track to achieve their packaging sustainability commitments, a reflection of the gap between goals and on-the-ground impacts, Peter Wang Hjemdahl said.
A top environmental watchdog has rescinded its influential 2015 report, which pointed the finger at Asia for ocean-bound plastic generation and included incineration and waste-to-energy as solutions to pollution.
Connecticut middle school students, with help from processor UltraPoly and other entities, recently collected 2.5 million plastic caps and recycled them into end products as part of a lesson on microplastics.
Several companies have announced progress toward recycled-content goals and new products made from recycled plastics. Here’s a roundup of recent developments.
CMA CGM Group, the third-largest ocean shipping company in the world, announced it will no longer carry post-use plastics on its ships as of June 1.
Canadian company Ocean Legacy is working to expand production of its 100% recycled ocean pellet and is eyeing U.S. markets.
More ocean-bound plastics will be recycled in Michigan after Padnos decided to expand its plastics recycling plant, a $6.6 million project.
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A partnership involving Circulate Capital, Bantam Materials and an Indonesian processor will help to recover PET from remote areas of the Asian nation and deliver it to grocery store shelves in Europe and America.
Information gathered through decades of coastal cleanups shows the majority of plastic litter recovered was never recyclable through curbside systems in the first place, according to Ocean Conservancy.