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Tag Archives: industry groups

Environmental voice guides recycling labeling policy push

Published: February 23, 2022

Oregon capitol building with trees in bloom.

Oregon’s Plastic Pollution and Recycling Modernization Act was signed into law in August 2021, creating a 12-person task force to research and evaluate recyclability claims. | Yanqiang Dai/Shutterstock

For several years, lawmakers across the U.S. have been drafting policy to address concerns about ocean plastic. In Oregon, a key recycling labeling task force elected a representative from an ocean environmental group as vice chair.

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Plastics companies, Houston sign chemical recycling MOU

Published: February 9, 2022

Aerial view of Houston neighborhood with downtown skyline in distance.

The details of what’s being called the “Houston Recycling Collaboration” have yet to be worked out, but an agreement has set the process in motion to divert residential plastic scrap for chemical recycling. | Roschetzky Photography/Shutterstock

LyondellBasell and ExxonMobil were among the companies that signed an agreement to advance chemical recycling for household plastic scrap in Houston.

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Bottle bill backers see opportunity for action

Published: January 26, 2022

Plastic soda bottles.

Backers of bottle bill updates in Massachusetts and Vermont were able to progress legislative proposals that they say could be primed to pass in 2022. | Kwangmoozaa/Shutterstock

Over the past year, the recycling policy discussion nationwide has focused mainly on proposals that force producers to pay for packaging recovery. But significant activity around container deposits is also taking place, particularly in the Northeast.

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Groups react to ‘problematic’ plastics list

Published: January 25, 2022

PS foam containers on blue background.

PS packaging made the list of problematic materials.| Minh Mi Goi/Shutterstock

The U.S. Plastics Pact says PS and PVC packaging and other materials should be phased out in coming years. A curbside recycling operator called the potential elimination of PVC and PS packaging “two really big steps in the right direction,” though several groups criticized the Pact’s work. Continue Reading

In My Opinion: Recycled polyester supplies are a concern

Published: January 19, 2022

Polyester fabrics with PET bottles for recycling.

An executive at recycled fiber producer SAYA explains why a lack of RPET supply poses a challenge for his industry, and he proposes steps to help address the supply-demand gap. | Natali Ximich/Shutterstock

As consumers’ appetite for recycled polyester products grows, the industry is facing an unintended consequence: There may not be enough plastic available for recycling to meet the demand.

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Experts discuss trade-offs of recycled-content mandates

Published: January 12, 2022

Empty PET bottles for recycling.

A recent webinar brought together experts to cover the benefits and complications of recycled-content mandates.| Monticello/Shutterstock

Recycled-content laws are a tool for driving post-consumer resin demand. But what if producers are given too many outs, feedstock is in short supply, or the mandates actually result in greater environmental harm?

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Brands report on their 2020 recycled plastic usage

Published: December 22, 2021

Scott brand packaging

Kimberly-Clark used 2.5% recycled plastic in packaging in 2020, up from 1.9% the previous year. | DCStockPhotography/Shutterstock

A group of brand owners that includes McDonald’s, Kimberly-Clark and others increased their use of recycled plastic over the past couple of years, but they’re still not on pace to hit their goals, according to a report.
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MacArthur Foundation: Coca-Cola and others boost PCR use

Published: November 17, 2021

Unilever company logo on building in Warsaw, Poland.

Unilever reported a 6-percentage-point increase in its post-consumer resin usage in 2020, outpacing most other large brand owners. | Konektus Photo/Shutterstock

Global packaged goods companies disclosed their post-consumer resin usage for 2020, and most of the biggies reported purchasing more recycled plastic than the year before.

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APR: Industry input crucial to implementing state bills

Published: November 3, 2021

Aerial view of the California state capitol building in Sacramento.

An in-depth regulatory development process will be needed to implement a California bill regulating the use of the chasing arrows symbol on packaging. | Merge Digital Media/Shutterstock

Three West Coast states have signed sweeping recycling bills. Now the real work begins to hash out the details on how the policies will affect the plastics recycling industry.

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US PET bottle recycling rate continues to sink

Published: November 3, 2021

PET bottles for recycling.

Data shows that in 2020 PET bottles notched a 26.6% collection rate in the U.S., down from 27.9% in 2019. | Torychemistry/Shutterstock

Demand for RPET increased 10% in 2020, but it was accompanied by a decrease in PET bottle collection, according to an annual report from the National Association for PET Container Resources.

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