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Tag Archives: industry groups

ACC calls for 30% recycled content mandate in packaging

Published: July 14, 2021

Baled plastics for recycling.

The American Chemistry Council’s position statement comes at a time of heightened legislative activity on plastics. | Natallia Boroda / Shutterstock

A major industry group is urging Congress to adopt a national recycled plastic standard, facilitate “rapid scaling” of the chemical recycling sector, and more.

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Why nonprofit recycling operators decided to unite

Published: July 8, 2021

View inside Eureka Recycling's facility.

Eureka Recycling, one of the founding members of AMBR, operates a MRF in Minneapolis. | Photo credit: Mark Kegans

Four organizations that run processing facilities recently created the Alliance of Mission-Based Recyclers to advocate for recycling and zero waste policies during a period of “systemic changes.”

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California report sparks debate over PP collection

Published: July 8, 2021

View inside a MRF.

The California Statewide Commission on Recycling Markets & Curbside Recycling in late June published an expansive report with recommendations for lawmakers. | Nordroden / Shutterstock

A government-convened commission of California recycling stakeholders has outlined steps to boost markets and cut contamination. But the group’s report also leaves polypropylene off a key initial list of accepted materials, drawing quick pushback from national associations.

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PET shrink label products meet recyclability guidelines

Published: July 8, 2021

PET beverage bottles in a retail setting.

PET bottle labels can be problematic to the plastics recycling process, but three PET bottle label innovations recently received letters confirming their compatibility. | Ho Su A Bi / Shutterstock

The Association of Plastic Recyclers has recognized three shrink label innovations for their compatibility with PET recycling processes.

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How brands plan to work toward ambitious 2025 goals

Published: June 16, 2021


A group of 100 U.S. brand owners and other stakeholders have laid out a roadmap for achieving various plastics sustainability objectives. | AngieYeoh / Shutterstock

The U.S. Plastics Pact this week laid out its five-year plan for increasing recycled plastic use and boosting recycling rates, among other objectives.

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Group rolls out PET recycling PSA

Published: June 16, 2021

PET bottles for recycling.

Keep America Beautiful expects the new PET-focused ad to have a reach of 200 million impressions. | Kwangmoozaa/Shutterstock

Keep America Beautiful has launched a public service announcement encouraging consumers to recycle PET bottles.

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APR weighs in on three hot topics

Published: June 3, 2021

Baled plastics for recycling.

The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) stated its support for beverage bottle deposit laws. | Ultrasto / Shutterstock

The Association of Plastic Recyclers has published position statements on chemical recycling, the use of mass balance methodologies for post-consumer plastics, and bottle deposit programs.

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