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Tag Archives: exports

Scrap plastic exports are dropping again this year

Published: May 13, 2020


Recycled material shipments out of the U.S. have been on the decline for multiple years due to overseas regulatory changes. | MAGNIFIER/Shutterstock

U.S. shipments of recycled plastic out of the country were down during the first quarter of 2020 compared with previous years, according to new export data.

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Basel expert lays out changes to come

Published: March 11, 2020

Rolph Payet, executive secretary of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, speaks at the Plastics Recycling Conference and Trade Show.

Rolph Payet, executive secretary of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions, speaks at the Plastics Recycling Conference and Trade Show. | Plastics Recycling Conference/Brian Adams Photography

Scrap plastic exporters should closely monitor policy changes in the countries they sell to as the global community prepares to enact more aggressive shipment requirements, according to the top staff member for the Basel Convention.

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Country lockdowns bring ‘unprecedented implications’

Published: April 1, 2020

Container ship unloading at port.

Regulatory changes, and an overall sense of uncertainty, are playing into difficulty moving scrap materials abroad. | 28 November Studio/Shutterstock

Overseas markets for recovered plastic, including Malaysia and India, are experiencing disruption as governments enact widespread restrictions and close ports in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

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Exports see another major decline in 2019

Published: February 12, 2020

Export shipping containers

The U.S. exported 1.46 billion pounds of scrap plastics in 2019, down 38% from the year before. | qingqing/Shutterstock

Scrap plastic exports from the U.S. continued a steady decrease that has unfolded over the past few years, dropping in 2019 to their lowest total volume since 2002.

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Companies push for quality as Chinese demand evaporates

Published: October 25, 2017


Operators of materials recovery facilities are increasing their labor forces and installing additional sorting equipment in response to Chinese restrictions on scrap imports. As companies increase sortation efforts to create a higher-quality output, attention is also turning to the domestic plastics processing market.

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Data Sort: Export vs. domestic processing for post-consumer plastic

Published: December 2, 2019


The graph below shows the downstream trends for four major plastic resins collected for recycling in the U.S. and Canada going back to 2009 (the graph stops at 2017 because that is the most recent year for which figures are available).

From 2009 to 2016, the total amount of post-consumer plastic exported to overseas markets from the U.S. and Canada stayed relatively stable, but that number dropped considerably in 2017. That fact is hardly surprising: China stated in 2017 that it was planning to implement its import ban on many grades of recovered material at the outset of 2018, and the announcement itself caused major market shifts.

On the domestic processing front, the total amount climbed steadily before plateauing between 2016 and 2017. With more material needing a home as many Asian markets enact restrictions, opportunity exists for continued domestic processing growth. The keys will be infrastructure improvements to deliver cleaner loads to reclaimers and greater end market demand for the recycled resins.

Data Sort is produced each quarter by More Recycling. For additional information, go to

This story originally appeared in the Summer 2019 issue of Plastics Recycling Update. Subscribe today for access to all print content.

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