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Tag Archives: challenging materials

Group reports 21% carpet recycling rate in California

Published: September 22, 2021

Old carpet pieces rolled up for recycling.

CARE’s annual report notes that a total of 52.6 million pounds of materials were recycled from post-consumer carpet in California in 2020, down 10% from the year before. | ND700/Shutterstock

A stewardship group fell short of California’s carpet recycling mandate last year, despite a notable year-over-year jump in the recycling rate.

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Nebraska MRF adds plastic-lumber manufacturing line

Published: August 11, 2021

Materials on a conveyor at a MRF.

With the planned upgrade at an Omaha materials recovery facility (MRF), sorted and processed plastics will be converted into a plastic lumber. | jantsarik / Shutterstock

Firstar Fiber is receiving a loan from the Alliance to End Plastic Waste that will help the processor convert hard-to-recycle plastics into building materials, all within the confines of the sortation site.

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TerraCycle and brands sued over recycling claims

Published: July 28, 2021

TerraCycle logo

The lawsuit alleges TerraCycle is enabling brand owners to mislead the public on the recyclability of their products. | photo_gonzo / Shutterstock

A nonprofit environmental organization is suing TerraCycle and several major brands, saying the companies are misleading consumers about the recyclability of their products through mail-in collection programs. TerraCycle’s CEO discussed the company’s labeling in an interview.

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Academic journal devotes issue to ‘plastics dilemma’

Published: July 8, 2021

Glasses resting on a stack of open magazines,

The latest issue of Science discusses mechanical and chemical recycling, global policy and more. | qvist / Shutterstock

Science Magazine has published a special edition covering various facets of the global plastic pollution problem. Articles touch on efforts to reduce the amount of material ending up in the environment as well as advancements (and shortcomings) in recycling.

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Reclaimer hopes to ‘break the log jam’ in scrap supply

Published: June 16, 2021

International Recycling Group plant rendering.

Rendering of the planned “SuperPRF” courtesy of International Recycling Group.

International Recycling Group hopes to finish financing a $150 million plastics recovery facility by the end of the year, with the massive plant scheduled to come on-line in 2023.

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Plastics-to-fuel company developing $680 million facility

Published: June 9, 2021

Baled plastics for recycling.

More than 100 employees will be hired to work at Brightmark’s upcoming $680 million Georgia plant. | Frank Fiedler / Shutterstock

Brightmark this week announced it will build a second facility bringing in mixed plastics for chemical recycling. To be located in Georgia, the plant will have a processing capacity of 800 million pounds per year.

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How COVID-19 affected TerraCycle US’s bottom line

Published: June 9, 2021


Financial documents show TerraCycle US saw double-digit growth in the company’s Zero Waste Boxes program. | Postmodern Studio / Shutterstock

Coronavirus-related closures hurt financial performance for TerraCycle US last year, but increased profitability in the company’s Zero Waste Boxes business helped buffer the impacts.

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