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Report compares recycled-content certification programs

Published: October 20, 2021

PET bottles for recycling.

The report comes as governments around the world move toward requiring the use of recycled plastic in certain products. | Picsfive / Shutterstock

Over a dozen different recycled-content standards and certifications are used around the world. A new report commissioned by Canadian leaders compares and contrasts them.

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Report examines how to boost recycling markets in Texas

Published: October 20, 2021

Bales of plastics in a recycling facility.

A new report shows the bulk of recyclables collected in Texas are processed at 31 MRFs. | RYosha / Shutterstock

A comprehensive look at the Lone Star State’s recycling system identified several strategies governments can use to bolster recycling market development in their jurisdictions, including recycled-content mandates and public procurement policies.

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Pollution impacts are just a piece of environmental justice

Published: October 13, 2021


U.S. EPA official Carlton Waterhouse told an audience at the Northeast Recycling Council’s fall conference that social equity is integral to sustainability. | Sirisak Baokaew/Shutterstock

Carlton Waterhouse, a key U.S. EPA waste official, says moving toward a circular economy is not enough. Instead, society needs a “circular economy for all.” Continue Reading

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Chemical recycling firms see growth, feds examine sector

Published: October 13, 2021

Exxon Mobil corporate sign and landscaping.

ExxonMobil plans to open a scrap plastics processing facility in Baytown, Texas by the end of 2022. | Katherine Welles/Shutterstock

ExxonMobil will build a scrap plastic processing facility on the Gulf Coast, and the Government Accountability Office weighs in on chemical recycling technologies. These are a couple recent developments in chemical recycling, sometimes called “advanced recycling.” Continue Reading

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Recycling labeling debate primed to heat up nationally

Published: October 13, 2021


Industry stakeholders say a restrictive labeling rule in California could stymie collection of polypropylene. | Allexxandar / Shutterstock

As California regulators gear up to write statewide guidelines for which products are “recyclable,” analysts say the process – spurred by recent legislation – will have national impacts.

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