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The Recycling Partnership rolls out grant program for PET

Published: March 16, 2022

PET bottles for recycling.

The PET Recycling Coalition will launch in the next few months and will provide grants to MRFs and other facilities to increase the capture of PET beyond bottles. | Kwangmoozaa/Shutterstock

The Recycling Partnership will launch a PET Recycling Coalition to find solutions for common recycling challenges, a representative of the nonprofit group announced at last week’s Plastics Recycling Conference.

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FDA letters cover recycling of polyolefins

Published: March 16, 2022

Starlinger and Co. HDPE milk bottles.

Starlinger and Co. received letters of no-objection for the company’s technologies for recycling HDPE scrap into food-grade post-consumer resin. | Starlinger and Co.

The U.S. FDA green-lighted a process to recycle LLDPE scrap into food packaging, one of several letters the agency issued over the past seven months.

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Our top stories from February 2022

Published: March 15, 2022

CMA CGM export ship

News that shipping company CMA CGM would no longer ship certain categories of plastic scrap made waves last month. | EQRoy/Shutterstock

Major announcements by plastics reclaimers, a shipping line’s decision to stop carrying plastic scrap and more drew our readers’ clicks last month.
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Conference panelists outline state of plastics recycling policy

Published: March 7, 2022


David Biderman, far right, addresses the audience at the 2022 Plastics Recycling Conference | Brian Adams Photo

Interest in minimum-recycled-content mandates and extended producer responsibility bills is at an all-time high, but the reality of passing legislation is more complicated, according to industry experts.

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UN plastics treaty vote sparks support

Published: March 7, 2022

United Nations flag flying against blue sky and clouds.

The United Nations Environment Assembly on March 2 voted to start a process that would create a global plastics pollution treaty, bringing a final treaty forward for a vote in 2024. | Doug McLean/Shutterstock

A recent U.N. agreement to create a treaty on plastic pollution has brought recycling, waste and producer responsibility issues into the mainstream discussion.

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Bottle bills erode MRF revenues but create municipal savings

Published: March 7, 2022

PET bottles for recycling.

Container deposit systems have benefits for municipalities, but MRFs are likely to see revenues decline as valuable PET and aluminum are removed from their material stream. | Myibean/Shutterstock

Though container deposit systems typically help lift recovery rates for covered materials, the programs also usually reduce tonnages of high-quality PET and aluminum going to sorting facilities. A new study helps to quantify those potential impacts.

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