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Our top stories from March 2022

Published: April 6, 2022

Pellet produced from recycled plastic by EFS-plastics.

News that EFS-plastics is opening a facility in western Canada was of interest to readers last month. | Courtesy of EFS-plastics

Coffee pod labeling litigation, a hauler’s push into plastics processing, FDA letters and more drew our readers’ clicks last month.

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Why EPR for packaging failed in Washington state

Published: March 30, 2022

Graphic showing cogs of rules, regulations, compliance, standards and policies.

Extended producer responsibility proposals have been discussed in several states in 2022. | EtiAmmos/Shutterstock

A Washington state zero waste group was engaging in “intense negotiations” on an extended producer responsibility bill this year, but the legislation stalled anyway. One advocate said she’s now looking at other states to help inspire next steps.

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Indorama to invest $8 billion in chemical recycling and more

Published: March 30, 2022

Indorama company building in Jarkarta, Indonesia.

Over the next several years Indorama will invest over $8 billion in chemical recycling and bio-derived plastics. | CAHYADI SUGI/Shutterstock

Chasing its sustainability goals, global PET producer Indorama is going to spend $8 billion over the next eight years to help scale up chemically recycled and bio-based plastics.

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Cyclyx makes push to boost collection of lower-value plastics

Published: March 30, 2022

Yellow recycling collection container with chasing arrows symbol.

Cyclyx International’s 10 to 90 effort will include takeback programs, education, rewards and engagement tools to boost local plastics recycling rates. | Roman Zaiets/Shutterstock

A consortium that aims to source and prepare low-value scrap plastics for chemical recycling has launched a public outreach and incentive campaign.

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