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Better workplace diversity comes from culture shifts

Published: April 11, 2023

Diversity concept with various color head icons.

Speakers at the NERC Spring 2023 Conference offered advice on achieving diversity, equity and inclusion goals. | Light Spring/Shutterstock

Hard conversations, checking unconscious bias and letting employees drive change with leadership’s support are all vital to building more diverse workforces, experts recently explained.
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Recycled plastic pot molder sees new ownership

Published: April 11, 2023


Private equity firm Mill Point Capital has purchased Nursery Supplies, Inc. from Lincolnshire Management. | Zoran Milosavljevic/Shutterstock

Nursery Supplies, Inc., which recycles tens of millions of pounds of plastic per year into plant pots and trays, has been sold by one private equity firm to another.  Continue Reading

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PCR partnerships aim to create more demand

Published: April 4, 2023


ALPLA Group, Nextek and a variety of other plastics companies are making moves to get more PCR in products and on the market. | Courtesy of Cocofloss

Companies are adding more PCR to toothbrushes, electric bikes and other products as the recycled plastics industry seeks to drive market demand and shore up supply chains.  Continue Reading

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Our top stories from March 2023

Published: April 4, 2023


In March, readers were drawn to a roundup of FDA letters for recycling technologies to produce PCR for food and drink packaging. | Ladnongkhun/Shutterstock

A roundup of FDA letters of no-objection, coverage of the Biden administration’s position on a global plastics agreement and more drew our readers’ attention in March.

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Nebraska plastic-to-lumber operation comes on-line

Published: April 4, 2023


Residents in the Omaha, Neb. area can participate in a program to divert plastics not accepted in the normal curbside stream. | Courtesy of Hefty 

Firstar Fiber’s in-house plastic-to-lumber operation is up and running, turning materials collected in orange bags at the curb into plastic composite lumber. The operation also recently survived a fire scare. Continue Reading