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Hawai’i Megaplastic Pollution Research Center takes shape

Published: February 14, 2024


The Hawai’i Pacific University’s Center for Marine Debris Research created a Megaplastic Pollution Research Program to accelerate plastic marine debris removal and recycling in the Hawaiian Islands. | Richard Chapman – UK/Shutterstock

Marine pollution abatement, a boost to the local economy and a way to help solve the local housing crisis: A proposed project to turn marine plastic into durable infrastructure could provide all three on the island of Oahu, Hawai’i. Continue Reading

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Scrap plastic exports drop to new low

Published: February 14, 2024


Recovered plastic exports out of the U.S. have dropped dramatically in recent years, hitting a new low in 2023. | EG/Shutterstock

Recovered plastic exports out of the U.S. dropped slightly in 2023, bringing a record low for the fourth consecutive year. Continue Reading

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AMP rebrands with a focus on supplying entire facilities

Published: February 7, 2024


An AMP One fully automated AI sorting system operating at the company’s Cleveland, Ohio secondary sortation facility. | Courtesy of AMP

After 10 years helping materials recovery facilities retrofit with innovative robotics equipment, AMP Robotics has dropped the latter part of its name, reflecting an emerging focus on building recycling centers from scratch with AI-equipped sorting systems.
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Our top stories from January 2024

Published: February 7, 2024

PET bottle laying across PET flakes.

A PET supply agreement was among our top-read stories in January. | Aykut Erdogdu/Shutterstock

Extended producer responsibility, chemical recycling growth, recycling access data, a PET supply agreement and an in-progress bottle-to-bottle plant drew reader attention in January.
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A closer look at Oregon’s $150M trash-sorting MRF

Published: February 7, 2024


The $150 million price tag on the new Lane County, Oregon, facility will be footed by Bulk Handling Systems and the county. | Courtesy of Bulk Handling Systems

An upcoming facility in Lane County, Oregon, will process mixed waste, commingled recyclables and organics and is projected to boost the county’s diversion rate by as much as 20 percentage points. Continue Reading

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