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California firm closes 284 deposit redemption centers

Published: August 7, 2019

RePlanet recycling center in Calif.

On Monday, RePlanet shut down completely and terminated its entire workforce throughout California. | Arne Beruldsen/Shutterstock

RePlanet, once the largest operator of facilities redeeming containers covered by the California Redemption Value (CRV) program, has shuttered. The move will significantly reduce consumer recycling access.

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IHS: Recycled PET demand will outpace supply

Published: July 31, 2019

PET bottles for recycling.

A market analyst projects that PET collection rates in the U.S. would need to double to provide enough supply for consumer goods companies to meet their goals. | Myibean/Shutterstock

Market analysts say PET collection rates are insufficient to reach the amount of material brand owners will need to hit their recycled-content objectives.

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Plastics recycling garners federal attention amid rising pressure

Published: July 31, 2019

U.S. Capitol building with reflection.

Legislation introduced last week establishes a framework to enable recycling-related investments. | LWPhotography/Shutterstock

Recycling issues have hit the national stage with unprecedented fervor in recent weeks. Citing recycling market challenges and growing plastic pollution, lawmakers are advancing legislation and pressuring government agencies to take action.

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Trucking market heads in reverse

Published: July 31, 2019

Freight trucks parked in a row.

Ongoing economic uncertainty has contributed to the freight market shift. | Vitpho/Shutterstock

Multiple factors have led to lower demand for trucking, bringing shipping cost relief to many in the recycling industry.

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