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End users report pandemic-period financials

Published: September 2, 2020

Business documents on a desk.

Sales and profits were up for two major consumers of recycled plastic. | Orathai Mayoeh/Shutterstock

COVID-19 and the related economic slowdowns have bruised the bottom line of a major RPET consumer, but other recycled-plastic-product makers have reported economic gains.

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How a partnership created a ring carrier recycling program

Published: August 26, 2020

Avangard Innovative plastic recycling facility.

LDPE ring carriers are an important ingredient in Avangard Innovative’s “recipe” to make high quality PCR. | Courtesy of Avangard Innovative.

Plastics reclaimer Avangard Innovative will sell millions of pounds of PCR each year to six-pack carrier manufacturer Hi-Cone Worldwide, as the companies expand their existing business relationship.

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Feds issue slew of food-contact recycled plastics letters

Published: August 26, 2020

PET plastic bottle in a person's hand.

The U.S. FDA recently approved a number of recycling technologies for converting PET into use for food and drink packaging. | RecycleMan/Shutterstock

The FDA gave Indorama Ventures the green light to use a depolymerization technology to produce RPET for food and drink packaging. The agency also gave nods for other PET, HDPE and PP recycling processes.

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Shipping shakeup continues as China’s extended ban nears

Published: August 26, 2020

Cargo ship on the water.

Despite the upcoming ban, the Chinese government continues to approve permits for more recovered paper to enter the country. | hxdbzxy/Shutterstock

Another major container ship operator says it’s ending scrap shipments to China as that country prepares to widen its prohibition on imports of recovered material. Meanwhile, insurance providers recently analyzed the Chinese policy and its ramifications for shipping lines.

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Asian film processor details new ‘credit’ funding system

Published: August 19, 2020

Film processing at Myanmar Recycles.

Myanmar Recycles has customized a wash line with more than a dozen different washing steps along the way. | Courtesy of Myanmar Recycles.

A film recycling company in Myanmar is among the first to take part in a global plastic credit system, which could direct financing from corporations to help the recycling firm expand its capacity.

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Here are the latest film and non-bottle rigid recycling stats

Published: August 19, 2020

Plastic bags for recycling.

Just over 1 billion pounds of post-consumer bag and film plastics were recovered in 2018. | Pavel Kubarkov/Shutterstock

The amount of U.S. film and non-bottle rigids collected for recycling decreased in 2018, but domestic processors took in more of the material, according to More Recycling.

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An ambitious recycling policy proposal could go local

Published: August 19, 2020

Plastic waste collected piled high in a trash bin.

Sen. Tom Udall and Rep. Alan Lowenthal recently outlined how components of their national recycling act might be adapted to fit different states. | DeawSS/Shutterstock

Two members of Congress who have pushed for EPR, a national deposit system and more are now encouraging state and municipal lawmakers to introduce their own versions of the legislation.

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