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Author Archives: Marissa Heffernan

About Marissa Heffernan

Marissa HeffernanMarissa Heffernan started working for Resource Recycling in January 2022 after spending several years as a reporter at a daily newspaper in Southwest Washington. After developing a special focus on recycling policy, they are also the editor of the monthly newsletter Policy Now. Heffernan can be contacted at [email protected].

Indorama Ventures boosts RPET production

Published: September 13, 2023

Indorama company building in Jarkarta, Indonesia.

Indorama is just under half of the way to achieving its 2025 post-consumer PET target, with billion-dollar investments planned in order to reach the finish line. | Cahyadi Sugi/Shutterstock

Chemical company Indorama Ventures plans to invest $150 million in three PET recycling plants in India to boost its production of RPET. Continue Reading

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AI-powered study will examine PP recycling streams

Published: September 12, 2023


The research team hopes that a better accounting of PP moving through materials recovery facilities will help build a circular economy for the material. | Pixel B/Shutterstock

Closed Loop Partners, NextGen Consortium and AI developer Greyparrot plan to study the composition of polypropylene in recycling streams using artificial intelligence.  Continue Reading

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Panasonic, Logitech release details on PCR use

Published: September 12, 2023


Panasonic reported using over 42,000 tons of recycled plastic from 2020-22, and Logitech reported that almost 58% of its products include PCR. | Hernan E. Schmidt/Shutterstock

Two global electronics companies, Panasonic and Logitech, recently released reports on their current recycled plastic use and their goals for the coming years.  Continue Reading

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First draft of global plastics agreement released

Published: September 6, 2023


Stakeholders and involved parties will continue to debate the precise language of the agreement. | Nexus 7/Shutterstock

The first working draft of the United Nations’ global plastics agreement lays out the broad strokes of what is intended to be a legally binding way to manage plastic pollution on land and in the oceans. Continue Reading

Panelists: Tensions between EPR and plastics waning

Published: September 6, 2023


Anja Brandon, associate director of U.S. plastics policy at the Ocean Conservancy, speaks during the “Plastic Tensions Within Extended Producer Responsibility” session at the 2023 Resource Recycling Conference in Orlando, Fla. | Big Wave Productions/Resource Recycling

Resource Recycling Conference attendees may have been expecting a boxing ring when stakeholders got on stage to talk about plastic and extended producer responsibility, but instead they got a message of hope, progress and civil disagreement on film, chemical recycling and labeling. Continue Reading

Data shows largely stagnant bottle return rates

Published: August 29, 2023


Of the nine states for which data is available, only two showed meaningful increases in their container redemption rates. | Poring Studio/Shutterstock

Most states with deposit return systems saw static or reduced bottle redemption rates in 2022, according to a deposit advocacy organization. Continue Reading

Study: Tailored changes needed for urban circularity

Published: August 29, 2023

Plastic waste pile

Researchers at The Circulate Initiative identified several common challenges that cities face when dealing with plastic waste. | Mohamed Abdulraheem/Shutterstock

Research recently undertaken by several groups dug into how individual cities in ocean plastic hot spots are approaching materials management. Continue Reading

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Industry group calls for PCR quality standards

Published: August 1, 2023


The Alliance to End Plastic Waste argues that consistent specifications for quality material will help drive investment in sorting and collection technology. | Fabrika Simf/Shutterstock

The Alliance to End Plastic Waste suggested the recycling industry in the European Union develop target specifications for processed materials to ease the transition to a circular economy. Continue Reading