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Author Archives: Colin Staub

About Colin Staub

Colin-StaubColin Staub is a reporter at Resource Recycling. He can be contacted at [email protected].

Demand for recycled content drives processor acquisition

Published: September 15, 2021

Signing documents at a business meeting.

Westlake Chemical Corporation on Sept. 10 announced its acquisition of Dimex, a Marietta, Ohio-headquartered reclaimer. | fizkes / Shutterstock

A manufacturer cited consumer interest in recycled products as a factor in the company’s recent acquisition of Dimex, a post-industrial PVC recycling firm.

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Amid dispute, details emerge on CarbonLite’s demise

Published: September 9, 2021

A gavel and book on a wooden desk.

In court recently, former CarbonLite CEO Leon Farahnik’s attorneys elaborated on the financial conditions that led to the company’s bankruptcy. | Bragin Alexey / Shutterstock

Companies owed money by CarbonLite say the PET reclaimer’s failure came amid “gross financial mismanagement,” and they want an in-depth investigation. CarbonLite’s lawyers pinned the closure on a lack of brand owner support and other factors.

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California bill deems some exports ‘disposal’

Published: September 9, 2021

export containers

Legislation awaiting the governor’s signature would classify mixed plastics that are generated in California and exported from the U.S. as “disposal” rather than “recycling.” | Sumrit Tesrumphun/Shutterstock

California lawmakers have approved a bill that would no longer allow scrap plastic that is exported to be considered recycled. The legislation now heads to the governor for final consideration.

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Digital watermark project advances in Denmark

Published: September 9, 2021

Material on a conveyor inside a sorting and processing facility.

A pilot project at a facility in Denmark is being backed by a number of packaging and recycling stakeholders. | Nordroden / Shutterstock

A European materials recovery facility will install sorting detection equipment to identify digital watermarks on plastic packaging.

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Worldwide voyage shares plastics recycling know-how

Published: September 1, 2021

Plastic Odyssey ship at port.

The Plastic Odyssey project has been in the works for five years and is planning to launch late this year. | Courtesy of Plastic Odyssey

Plastic Odyssey, a project that will demonstrate open-source plastics recycling equipment and business models in countries without developed waste management infrastructure, is preparing to embark on a trip around the globe.

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Swedish facility to sort 440 million pounds annually

Published: September 1, 2021

Aerial view of SiteZero in Sweden.

With the expansion, the facility will total more than 645,000 square feet. | Courtesy of Swedish Plastic Recycling

A Swedish plastics sortation firm is set to double its capacity and eventually add reclamation equipment on-site. Swedish Plastic Recycling says it will be able to process all plastic packaging collected through residential systems in the country.

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Star exec says acquisition opens door to ‘bigger, faster’ growth

Published: August 25, 2021

Two people in suits shake hands.

Akoya Capital Partners, a Chicago-based investment company, is the new owner of Star Plastics. | fizkes / Shutterstock

Processor and compounder Star Plastics has been acquired by a private equity firm. Company founder Doug Ritchie said the partnership will help Star expand its product line.

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PP group issues $1.8 million to sorting facilities

Published: August 25, 2021

PP Number 5 plastic with blue background.

Since its launch in 2020, the Polypropylene Recycling Coalition has issued a total of $4.2 million in funding. | Allexxandar / Shutterstock

The Polypropylene Recycling Coalition has awarded another round of grant funding, allowing more local recycling programs to provide curbside polypropylene collection.

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Robotics firm claims greater efficiency in a smaller package

Published: August 25, 2021

EverestLabs robotic cell.

EverestLabs High Recovery Robot Cells performed 104 picks per minute compared to 70 on the company’s Delta system. | Courtesy of EverestLabs

EverestLabs released a robotic sorting system that the company says can perform more picks and fit in a wider range of sortation settings than what has previously been available to processors.

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Senator proposes 20-cent-per-pound virgin resin fee

Published: August 18, 2021

U.S. Capitol building exterior.

The bill taxing virgin resin is just one of several pieces of plastics recycling-related legislation in Congress and statehouses this year. | Kurt Pacaud / Shutterstock

A national virgin resin surcharge would help improve the economics of using post-consumer plastic, according to a proposal introduced in Congress this month.

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