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Tag Archives: markets

Insights from Iron Mountain, Envela financial disclosures

Published: August 9, 2023


Iron Mountain and Envela Corporation recently released second-quarter earnings results, providing insight into electronics reuse and recycling markets. | iQoncept/Shutterstock

Low prices for electronic components continue to dampen Iron Mountain’s data center decommissioning business. Meanwhile, a group of ITAD and e-scrap companies boosted their profit margins even amid a slowdown in business.  Continue Reading

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Survey: ITAD leaders optimistic about improving markets

Published: August 9, 2023


Over half of respondents reported plans for investments of more than $500,000, indicating an uptick in market optimism among electronics recyclers. | Polarpx/Shutterstock

Likely hesitant due to difficult markets in the first quarter, ITAD industry players were fairly conservative in their capital expenditures early this year. But company leaders foresee bigger spending ahead, according to a new survey. Continue Reading

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Research explores reasons for tough ITAD conditions

Published: August 2, 2023


One of the survey’s most notable findings was that 70% of respondents reported that prices for used electronics have decreased “a lot” since the first quarter of 2022. | Sarawut Aiemsinsuk/Shutterstock

A number of market factors squeezed the ITAD industry earlier this year, including high costs of labor and lower secondary market prices, according to a first-of-its-kind survey.  Continue Reading

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Metals prices and smelter fire dent Boliden’s financials

Published: July 26, 2023

Shredded e-scrap showing gold and other metals.

Boliden estimates it lost about $19 million in second-quarter operating profits due to a fire at its flagship copper smelter. | Amy VonDe/Shutterstock

Global economic concerns and rising interest rates put a damper on metals prices during the second quarter, although gold and silver values were up because of investor interest, according to a major smelter operator.  Continue Reading

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Gartner: PC shipments fell again in Q2, but will stabilize

Published: July 20, 2023

Dell computer boxes with desktop computers inside.

Analysts point to inflationary pressure as a key driver of reduced demand for PCs. | KenSoftTH/Shutterstock

Around the globe, PC shipments dropped 16.6% in the second quarter of 2023, marking the seventh consecutive quarter of decline. However, analysts at Gartner say the trend may be shifting soon.
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RGX nets Colorado grant for digital ITAD marketplace

Published: June 7, 2023


The RGX grant is part of the Office of Economic Development and International Trade’s efforts to boost innovation in the state. | People Image Studio/Shutterstock

A Colorado business looking to make ITAD services more accessible and more efficient for both customer and provider was awarded a state grant to support its efforts.  Continue Reading

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Low chip prices hurt processor’s resale revenues

Published: May 10, 2023


Executives at Iron Mountain lamented lower prices for many electronics components but feel optimistic about the second half of 2023. | Monticello/Shutterstock

Iron Mountain’s asset life cycle business increased its volume of used electronics processed during the first quarter, but a depressed market for electronic components meant much lower revenues.  Continue Reading