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Tag Archives: industry groups

Bilingual workforce training program assists e-scrap sector

Published: July 11, 2024


A $380,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office will help REMADE and partners create online workforce training in English and Spanish for a variety of e-scrap recycling roles. | – Yuri A/Shutterstock

The REMADE Institute got a federal financial boost to develop online e-scrap workforce training in multiple languages, targeting roles that don’t require four-year college degrees. Continue Reading

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First step in ESG reporting: Take stock of priorities

Published: May 22, 2024


An environmental, social and governance reporting-focused session at the ISRI2024 conference in Las Vegas last month provided tips to ITAD companies looking to jump into ESG reports. | Chayanuphol/Shutterstock

Starting an in-house environmental, social and governance reporting program is a natural move for ITAD companies to make – indeed, in some ways it involves simply communicating the work these companies are already doing to meet industry certification standards and best practices.
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CTIA aligns device grading standard with SERI

Published: May 9, 2024


CTIA’s voluntary wireless industry device grading standard was established in 2019 and is now aligned with SERI’s standard. | Valeri Luzina/Shutterstock

Repair shops that handle wireless devices will have a more straightforward time classifying devices after the wireless industry association aligned its grading standard with SERI’s standard.  Continue Reading

ISRI changes name to ReMA in shift away from ‘scrap’

Published: May 2, 2024


The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries announced at the end of the April 15-18 conference that it will now be known as the Recycled Materials Association, or ReMA. | Photo Courtesy of ReMA

Electronics recycling stakeholders joined companies from across the materials recovery spectrum at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas last month for the ISRI2024 conference, which culminated in the long-running trade association unveiling a new name. Continue Reading

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Right-to-repair disputes crystallize in FTC comments

Published: February 8, 2024


The Federal Trade Commission received more than 1,000 comments supporting or opposing a recent petition calling for federal right-to-repair rules. | Yekatseryna Netuk/Shutterstock

Whether they were small repair business owners, industry associations or passionate individuals, hundreds of commenters on a recent right-to-repair petition to the Federal Trade Commission broadly agreed that consumers ought to have more options for fixing their devices and using them longer.  Continue Reading

SERI acquires E-Reuse Conference and rebrands event

Published: February 2, 2024


Sustainable Electronics Recycling International acquired the E-Reuse Conference and rebranded it as the Electronics Sustainability Summit. | Teerapong Mahawan/Shutterstock

A long-running electronics reuse conference is under new ownership by a nonprofit certification organization and has a new name, reflecting a goal to focus on a broader concept of “sustainability” in device management. Continue Reading

OEMs launch new e-scrap and reuse effort

Published: January 10, 2024


Lenovo, LG Electronics, Panasonic, Samsung and Sony Electronics partnered with the Consumer Technology Association to form the Consumer Technology Circularity Initiative. | Olga Miltsova/Shutterstock

Major electronics manufacturers this week joined with the Consumer Technology Association to form the Consumer Technology Circularity Initiative, aiming to boost e-scrap processing, improve repair and reuse, and incorporate more recycled content into products. Continue Reading

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BAN puts industry on notice over e-plastics

Published: November 1, 2023


The Basel Action Network (BAN) provides a guide to help e-scrap processors stay in compliance with export law. | Basel Action Network (BAN)

Exports watchdog Basel Action Network is barking. The group says U.S. e-scrap companies are illegally exporting e-plastics to Malaysia, and it has issued a warning. Continue Reading