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Groups weigh in on federal recycled-product procurement

Published: July 23, 2020

Closeup of printer cartridges inside an HP printer.

In comments to the EPA, NASA recommended that federal procurement guidelines point purchasers toward recycled-content ink cartridges. | David Tonelson/Shutterstock

As the U.S. EPA updates its lists of recycled-content products purchased by federal agencies, recycling stakeholders have chimed in about electronics.

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Nearly 150 companies now part of Apple repair program

Published: July 16, 2020

iPhone opened for repair.

Apple recently announced the company’s Independent Repair Provider Program is now open to repair firms in Europe and Canada. | Kevin Khoo/Shutterstock

Apple this month described the growth of a program that provides some official repair resources to certain repair shops. The initiative is separate from the company’s authorized repair service.

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Pandemic trends lead to boosted PC sales in Q2

Published: July 16, 2020

Computers in a retail setting.

Second quarter PC shipments this year rose 2.8% compared with the second quarter of 2019. | joyfull/Shutterstock

PC shipments were up almost 3% during the second quarter of the year compared with 2019. Analysis firm Gartner says the growth was driven by stores beginning to rebound from the first-quarter COVID-19 disruptions, as well as a significant increase in laptop sales.

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How a tech giant approaches diversity in workforce

Published: July 9, 2020

HP logo on building window.

In the U.S., 65% of HP employees identify as white. | josefkubes/Shutterstock

In the aftermath of Geoge Floyd’s killing, a number of large companies have issued statements opposing racism. HP’s CEO also issued a goal: Double the number of Black and African American executives by 2025.

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For more processors, ‘mailing it in’ means opportunity

Published: July 9, 2020

Taping a box for shipping.

Mail-in electronics recycling has become more common in the era of COVID-19 as in-person collection events are cancelled. | mdbildes/Shutterstock

The coronavirus pandemic has strained e-scrap collection, but that’s opening the door to an alternative recovery system that minimizes contact between people.

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Global e-scrap recycling rate has stagnated, study finds

Published: July 9, 2020

Scrap electronics for recycling.

The U.N. report also notes that the number of countries with national e-scrap policies, legislation or regulations increased from 61 in 2014 to 78 in 2019. | sasirin pamai/Shutterstock

A United Nations report estimates that 17.4% of e-scrap generated globally was recycled in 2019, well short of a goal of 30% by 2023.

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