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Know Your E-Scrap Processor: Sycamore International

Published: October 27, 2020

Sycamore International trucks in the company's parking lot.

Sycamore International works out of a 30,000-square-foot facility in West Grove, Pa.

Sycamore International’s roots were in serving the IT asset management needs of K-12 schools and universities/colleges, but the company has since branched out to service other sectors, including enterprises and health care.

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China sets import standards for select non-ferrous grades

Published: October 22, 2020

Cargo stacked in a logistics hub.

Industry group ISRI said that updated import guidelines are an acknowledgement from China that scrap materials are products, not waste. | Maha Heang 245789/Shutterstock

Chinese authorities have published updated standards for imports of recovered brass, copper and aluminum. They’re set to go into effect on Nov. 1.

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How can the sector boost female and minority leadership?

Published: October 22, 2020

Team meeting in a closed office.

Businesses of all sizes have put increased focus on workforce diversity during the past year. | Zivica Kerkez/Shutterstock

Electronics recycling leaders say a focus on representation as well as changes in corporate hiring and promotion practices can lead to a more diverse industry, in terms of both gender and race.

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France will assign devices a repair rating

Published: October 22, 2020

A phone opened for repair.

Beginning Jan. 1, 2021 smartphones, TVs, laptops and some appliances sold in France will receive a repairability score in the form of a sticker on the product’s packaging. | Preechar Bowonkitwanchai/Shutterstock

Looking to extend the lifetime of electronics, French officials plan to introduce a rating system that communicates repairability and durability to consumers.

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Pandemic upends certification audit sector

Published: July 30, 2020

Working on a laptop at a desk wearing a headset.

Remote audits have become a more common option in recent months. | shelleygraphy/Shutterstock

The coronavirus has forced e-scrap companies to navigate material supply shifts, tackle new safety concerns and confront wider economic uncertainty. Another complication to add to the list: certification audits.

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ITAD firms weigh in on bank’s $60M data mismanagement fine

Published: October 15, 2020

Morgan Stanley building exterior.

The Treasury Department fine against Morgan Stanley was related to a 2016 decommissioning of two Wealth Management business data centers in the U.S., as well as ITAD vendor control management deficiencies in 2019. The company doesn’t believe any client information has been accessed or misused.| Ken Wolter/Shutterstock

The U.S. Treasury Department has issued a major fine to Morgan Stanley for improper management of drives. Executives in the electronics recovery sector say the case reaffirms the warnings they have been giving to corporate partners for years.

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EPA lays out steps to bolster US recycling landscape

Published: October 15, 2020

Laptops gathered for repair or recycling.

In addition to the draft National Recycling Strategy, the EPA plans to release a list of national recycling goals this fall. | ThamKC/Shutterstock

A draft of the U.S. EPA’s National Recycling Strategy was published last week. The plan aims to foster a “stronger, more resilient and cost-effective” recycling system.

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