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Cascade survey shows pandemic’s ITAD impact

Published: January 21, 2021

Home office scene with laptop, webcam and headphones.

In the survey, 40% of Cascade’s clients indicated they slightly or greatly reduced their IT equipment disposal activities in 2020. | Vorontsova Alena/Shutterstock

The coronavirus forced many organizations to sideline IT refresh projects in 2020, but enterprise representatives say they expect to get back into the asset disposition game in 2021.

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Recycling commission endorses right-to-repair bill

Published: January 21, 2021

Repairing a mobile phone.

The Statewide Commission on Recycling Markets and Curbside Recycling made a range of preliminary recommendations to state regulators and lawmakers late last month. | PK Studio/Shutterstock

A high-profile recycling commission in California has published its endorsement of right-to-repair policies.

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Our top stories from December 2020

Published: January 13, 2021

iPhone charging with Apple logo on screen.

News that Apple would be paying to settle a lawsuit related to battery-throttling drew attention last month. | Attila Fodemesi/Shutterstock

Copper prices, lawsuits and a processor’s sorting system installation were among the articles that drew readers attention last month.

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