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Blockchain tool for ITAD trading comes closer to fruition

Published: November 9, 2022

Server rack closeup.

A system under development allows different companies in the ITAD value chain to share one digital ledger, recording the chain of custody for material. | basiczto/Shutterstock

Industry stakeholders have taken the next steps on a blockchain-based project to better track data and reduce the possibility of fraud in device buying and selling.

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Telecom giant donates to Compudopt, Human-I-T

Published: November 2, 2022

laptop user

Working with the two laptop distribution nonprofits, AT&T will help provide a total of 26,000 computers to those in need as part of the company’s $2 billion commitment, announced in 2021, to address the digital divide. | GaudiLab/Shutterstock

AT&T recently contributed $10 million and employee time to help nonprofit processors bridge the digital divide. 

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Landlords in Closed Loop case to drop suit against MRM and OEMs

Published: November 2, 2022

Closeup of a court gavel.

Under a settlement submitted Oct. 31, e-scrap processor Kuusakoski would pay an additional $1 million to the plaintiffs, on top of $6 million it has already agreed to pay in the Closed Loop case. | BCFC/Shutterstock

Under a legal settlement submitted this week, warehouse owners will drop their CRT lawsuit against Samsung, LG and MRM. E-scrap processor Kuusakoski, however, will pay another $1 million.

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Study shows increase in electronics’ GHG emissions

Published: November 2, 2022

mobile phones

Researchers evaluated 1,003 life cycle reports from various manufacturers to determine the amount of carbon dioxide emissions created during the life span of products. | Maxx-Studio/Shutterstock

To help cut growing greenhouse gas emissions from electronics, researchers are suggesting extending the life spans of devices. 

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Dell, IMS and GEEP USA reach settlements in Closed Loop Ohio case

Published: October 26, 2022

Lawyer with gavel, working on documents at a desk.

Dell, IMS Electronics Recycling and GEEP USA all reached settlements in the Closed Loop Refining and Recovery case, agreeing to help fund the cleanup of abandoned CRT materials in Ohio. | PaeGAG/Shutterstock

This story has been updated.

Another OEM and two electronics recycling companies have agreed to help fund cleanup of CRT materials abandoned by Closed Loop Refining and Recovery in Columbus, Ohio. 

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Lithium-ion battery recycling projects take off

Published: October 26, 2022

Processing equipment inside the Princeton NuEnergy facility.

Princeton NuEnergy on Oct. 25 opened a pilot direct lithium-ion battery recycling line in Texas. | Courtesy of Princeton NuEnergy

A Princeton University recycling startup, in partnership with Wistron, brought a pilot project on-line, and Cirba Solutions secured a federal grant for a new facility, moving domestic lithium-ion battery recycling forward. 

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DHL launches comprehensive asset management service

Published: October 26, 2022

DHL truck parked on a city street.

DHL’s turnkey service includes a customer portal for easy label printing and return. | Christian Mueller/Shutterstock

International logistics company DHL is leveraging its 1,200 worldwide sites to bring electronics resale, refurbishment and recycling services to the 140 countries it operates in. 

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Blueprint for circularity highlights recycling

Published: October 19, 2022

Laptops stacked for resale or recycling.

Drawing on more than 80 experts from 40 companies, the Circular Electronics Partnership (CEP) roadmap is structured around six pathways for circularity in the electronics value chain. | R.Moore/Shutterstock

This story has been corrected. 

The Circular Electronics Partnership’s plan for a circular electronics chain takes a close look at barriers and solutions at every stage, laying out what needs to be done by manufacturers, governments and other organizations. 

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