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E-Scrap News magazine is the premier trade journal for electronics recycling and refurbishment experts. It offers updates on the latest equipment and technology, details trends in electronics recycling legislation, highlights the work of innovative processors, and covers all the other critical industry news.

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Sage to open fourth US ITAD facility

Published: September 12, 2024


The Pennsylvania location joins three existing Sage facilities in Columbus, Ohio, and, pictured here, Reno, Nevada. | Photo courtesy Sage

Sage Sustainable Electronics is preparing to start up an ITAD processing center in Pennsylvania, increasing the reuse-centered company’s processing capacity by 25%. Continue Reading

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Former e-scrap CEO loses federal appeal

Published: September 12, 2024


A federal judge recently ruled that Kevin Shibilski, a former executive at 5R Processors, was appropriately sentenced. | Proxima Studio/Shutterstock

A federal judge recently rejected an appeal by the leader of failed Wisconsin e-scrap firm 5R Processors, who is currently serving a sentence for tax crimes. Continue Reading

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Top stories from August 2024

Published: September 6, 2024


Battery collection was an area of reader interest in August. | Chepko Danil Vitalevich/Shutterstock

Stories covering secondhand component pricing, battery collection and processing, an ITAD firm’s expansion and a major Canadian program expansion drew reader attention last month.

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New Hampshire expands electronics landfill ban

Published: September 6, 2024


Under HB 1386, lithium-ion batteries and a handful of additional electronics are banned from landfills and incinerators in New Hampshire. | Mihai Andritoiu/Shutterstock

Starting in July 2025, lithium-ion batteries and a handful of other electronic devices will be banned from disposal in landfills, composting facilities and incinerators in New Hampshire. Continue Reading

Metals market fluctuations filter down to e-scrap sector

Published: September 6, 2024

Printed circuit boards for recycling.

Changes in pricing for various metals largely balanced each other out this year, e-scrap industry experts noted. | Iryna-Imago/Shutterstock

Prices for key e-scrap metals have experienced a wild ride this year, and the shifts in value have piled onto global trade regulations and ongoing dematerialization to create a challenging economic picture for the industry. Continue Reading

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