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E-Scrap News magazine is the premier trade journal for electronics recycling and refurbishment experts. It offers updates on the latest equipment and technology, details trends in electronics recycling legislation, highlights the work of innovative processors, and covers all the other critical industry news.

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Why it’s the ‘perfect time to capitalize’ on device refurb

Published: January 20, 2022


At the 2021 E-Scrap & E-Reuse Conference, the “Diving Into Materials Markets” panel featured moderator Adam Shine of Sunnking, Chris Ko of ER2, Kevin Corrigan of Ingram Micro and Brian Diesselhorst of Igneo. | Dan Leif/Resource Recycling, Inc.

Shipments of new devices continue to experience substantial delays due to pandemic-related trends. According to processors, this fact could drive further demand for refurbished devices.

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Industry association retires ‘NAID Member’ logo

Published: January 20, 2022

Hard drive shredding

Many e-scrap firms that shred material or engage in other forms of data destruction are NAID AAA Certified. | Huguette Roe/Shutterstock

An industry association has made changes designed to ensure that data destruction customers don’t confuse “NAID member” to mean “NAID AAA Certified.”

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Refurbished electronics seller raises another $510 million

Published: January 13, 2022

Handshake at a business meeting.

Back Market will use the latest funding round to fuel its growth, including more than doubling its U.S. workforce. | Freedomz/Shutterstock

Back Market, an online marketplace selling refurbished electronics, has now raised over $1 billion in investment backing in recent years.

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Our top stories from December 2021

Published: January 13, 2022

Old television CRT isolated on black background.

News that a former e-scrap business owner pleaded guilty to CRT stockpiling crime drew attention last month. | underworld/Shutterstock

Articles about CRT stockpile charges, an op-ed challenging the R2 and e-Stewards certifications, and more attracted our readers’ clicks last month.

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