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Equipment Spotlight: Cloud-based system warns of fires

Published: July 14, 2022


An advanced thermal imaging system allows for early detection of potential fires.  | Courtesy of MoviTHERM

MoviTHERM’s technology detects fires at recycling and waste facilities at the earliest stages, even before the appearance of smoke particles, offering employees more time to run safety protocols. Continue Reading

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Acid-free tech will make rare earth recycling more feasible

Published: July 21, 2022

Circuit boards gathered for recycling.

An acid-free dissolution method can selectively target rare earths for extraction. | Bokstaz/Shutterstock

A technology that will allow recyclers to extract valuable metals from e-scrap like shredded hard drives without affecting the other materials is entering its pilot plant stage.

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Midwest city reports lower e-scrap collections and expenses

Published: July 21, 2022


Program officials pointed to a 21% year-over-year reduction in total TV drop-offs, as well as a shift from CRTs to flat-screen TVs in the end-of-life stream. | James Meyer/Shutterstock

The city of Milwaukee collected 14% less e-scrap at its drop-off centers last year than the year before, marking the continuation of a trend of falling collection weights.

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DARPA selects teams for critical metals R&D

Published: July 21, 2022

E-scrap piled for recycling

Researchers will target minerals typically lost in current recovery processes. | Huguette Roe/Shutterstock

Three teams have been selected for a U.S. military project to develop technologies for recovering critical metals found in low volumes in e-scrap.

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Gartner: Shipments of PCs collapse during second quarter

Published: July 14, 2022

Computer towers gathered for recycling.

Several supply chain squeezes could mean e-scrap recyclers and ITAD companies face a reduction in available equipment to process. | Fedor Sidorov/Shutterstock

Shipments of new PCs tumbled during the second quarter, according to market research firm Gartner. That could reflect a slowdown in computer replacement cycles, meaning decreased supply available for ITAD and e-scrap companies.  Continue Reading

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