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Author Archives: Curt Greeno

In My Opinion: Our industry’s ESG ‘natural fit’ isn’t enough

Published: September 13, 2023


In order to truly embody their stated values, ITADs and electronics recyclers need to go the extra mile on environmental, social and governance goals, argues Curt Greeno of Dynamic Lifecycle Innovations. | SWKStock/Shutterstock

A broad spectrum of U.S. companies have integrated environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards into their corporate culture and practices. For the electronics and materials lifecycle management sector, ESG seems like a natural fit, particularly in light of the inherent environmental and data security benefits of key services such as IT asset disposition (ITAD) and electronics recycling. Continue Reading

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How the industry is navigating tough insurance markets

Published: August 30, 2023


Industry operators are using fire mitigation technologies and other strategies to keep their facilities covered. | Fradu/Shutterstock

Electronics recycling and reuse companies say insurance has become significantly more expensive and difficult to manage, so they’re employing a number of strategies to cope. Continue Reading

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In My Opinion: How batteries can come back to life

Published: August 23, 2023

Pile of lithium ion batteries for recycling.

AI-powered battery removal systems have the potential to prevent facility fires from starting in the first place, argues Raghav Mecheri of BinIt. | Skimin0k/Shutterstock

As record-high numbers of batteries enter the solid waste stream, they have increasingly become associated with facility fires, safety issues and danger to workers. Continue Reading

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In My Opinion: ‘No-code’ software opportunities abound

Published: June 14, 2023


No-code software allows professionals in the e-scrap industry to tailor applications to suit their needs, according to a software company leader. | TippaPatt/Shutterstock

E-recyclers are subject to heightened scrutiny from customers, regulators, standards bodies such as R2 and e-Stewards, and a society at large that looks to them to responsibly recycle electronic waste and support a circular economy. Continue Reading

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In My Opinion: Use IR detection to help prevent fires

Published: May 10, 2023


David C. Bursell of MoviTHERM believes infrared technology is a game changer for protecting the lives of workers and avoiding property damage at recycling facilities. | Piotr Zajda/Shutterstock

Waste and recycling facilities are crucial in handling the world’s growing waste streams, but they pose a significant risk of fires. Continue Reading

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In My Opinion: Bring consumer trust to refurb markets

Published: January 25, 2023


Certification and standardized grading can bring much-needed transparency to the refurbished device market, according to the CEO of Phonecheck. | Daniel-Krason/Shutterstock

I used to run a business that acquired and sold pre-owned mobile devices. It was a great model – we could buy less-than-perfect phones and other devices inexpensively, and with a little effort and elbow grease, sell them for a bit more. 

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