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NERC 2Q bale value report shows upward trend

Published: August 15, 2022

Recovered fiber bales at a recycling facility.

A recent survey of Northeast MRFs found the blended average value of a ton of recyclables was nearly $170 during the second quarter. | SocoXbreed/Shutterstock

The value of curbside recyclables increased in the second quarter of 2022, according to a bale study conducted by the Northeast Recycling Council.

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US scrap paper exports sink slightly as plastics drop sharply

Published: June 14, 2022


India, Mexico and Vietnam are still the top three destinations for U.S. OCC and paper in the first quarter of 2022.  | Siwakorn1933/Shutterstock

U.S. exports of recovered fiber held relatively steady during the first quarter of 2022, but scrap plastic shipments plunged by more than one-fifth.  Continue Reading

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NERC bale value study shows declining prices

Published: May 17, 2022

Baled cardboard for recycling.

NERC’s survey showed that the blended value for a ton of recyclables in the first quarter of 2022 was down 15% from the previous quarter but up 57% year over year. | Olexandr Panchenko/Shutterstock

The value of curbside recyclables dropped again in the first quarter of 2022, according to a newly released bale study. But pricing remained higher than what was seen during the same period last year.

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