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Tag Archives: legislation

EPA strategic plan calls for more recycling

Published: April 5, 2022

U.S. EPA building with flags for the agency and the U.S.

The EPA plans to administer more grants and invest in domestic recycling and solid waste infrastructure, but the agency did not put a dollar amount on the goal. | Rob Crandall/Shutterstock

The U.S. EPA released its final strategic plan on public health and climate change. Meanwhile, the White House proposed increasing the agency’s budget.

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Why EPR for packaging failed in Washington state

Published: March 29, 2022

Graphic showing cogs of rules, regulations, compliance, standards and policies.

Extended producer responsibility proposals have been discussed in several states in 2022. | EtiAmmos/Shutterstock

A Washington state zero waste group was engaging in “intense negotiations” on an extended producer responsibility bill this year, but the legislation stalled anyway. One advocate said she’s now looking at other states to help inspire next steps.

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Study: Modernized bottle bills boost redemption, save money

Published: March 29, 2022

Bottle return at a reverse vending machine.

A study found that modernizing bottle bills in five Northeast states could create up to $160 million in savings to local governments and add up to $1.4 billion to the region’s economy annually. | Pazargic Liviu/Shutterstock

By updating older deposit return systems, states can create jobs, increase municipal savings and boost recycling rates, according to research from nonprofit Reloop North America.
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Conference panelists outline state of plastics recycling policy

Published: March 15, 2022


David Biderman, far right, addresses the audience at the 2022 Plastics Recycling Conference. | Brian Adams Photo

Interest in minimum-recycled-content mandates and extended producer responsibility bills is at an all-time high, but the reality of passing legislation is more complicated, according to industry experts.

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Aggressive organics bill passes in Pacific Northwest

Published: March 15, 2022

Compost operations at Dirt Hugger

Composting operations such as Dirt Hugger of Dallesport, Wash. could benefit from an aggressive organics diversion bill that passed the Washington legislature this month. | Jared Paben/Resource Recycling, Inc.

Washington state lawmakers have sent the governor a sprawling bill focused on diverting organics from landfills.

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Maryland EPR bill gains industry backing

Published: March 1, 2022

Annapolis, Md. seen from above with capitol and flags.

An extended producer responsibility (EPR) bill in Maryland would give more control to packaging producers than either Maine or Oregon’s legislation. | Nicole Glass Photography/Shutterstock

A bill introduced in Maryland’s legislature would establish an extended producer responsibility system for packaging that could give producers more control and flexibility than laws in Oregon and Maine.
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West Coast state kickstarts statewide ‘accepted’ lists effort

Published: February 15, 2022

Plastic packaging collected for recycling or disposal.

The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality has issued a request for technical information to help staff in considering which materials will make the state’s accepted recyclables list. | Konektus Photo/Shutterstock

Regulators in Oregon are asking producers to pony up the proof that their products are effectively recyclable.

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National bottle bill likely to land in Congress soon

Published: February 8, 2022

Bottle return at a reverse vending machine.

In the draft bill, deposits are set at at least 10 cents for containers under 24 fluid ounces and 15 cents for containers larger than that. | Veja/Shutterstock

West Coast lawmakers plan to introduce a national container deposit bill that one advocate says has a better chance of passing than past proposals because of wide “industry engagement.”

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