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Collector deaths decreased in 2019

Published: December 22, 2020

Waste hauler in safety gear with truck.

Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows 43 workers suffered fatal injuries on the job in 2019. | Sepp photography/Shutterstock

Forty-three garbage and recycling collection workers were killed on the job in 2019, fewer than the prior year but still more than the average over the past several years.

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Mapping out the recycling firms that received PPP loans

Published: December 15, 2020

Businessman signing checks at a desk.

A Resource Recycling analysis shows that 1,116 companies identified as “materials recovery facilities” and 4,300 companies identified as “recyclable material merchant wholesalers” received Paycheck Protection Program funds this year. | NIKCOA/Shutterstock

Over $850 million in Paycheck Protection Program funds flowed to MRF operators and recyclables trading companies this year, according to data released following a court order.

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EPA: Waste generation far outpaced recycling in 2018

Published: November 16, 2020

Residential waste and recycling bins on a curb.

Recently released data shows that a major increase in MSW generation outpaced modest recycling progress. | Colleen Michaels/Shutterstock

The U.S. recycling and composting rate took a significant dive in 2018, falling from 35% to 32%, according to new figures from the federal government. The drop was partially due to a change in how the rate was calculated.

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How market and material changes have stung Ontario

Published: October 6, 2020

Baled OCC for recycling.

The Continuous Improvement Fund wrote that China’s National Sword campaign increased sorting costs and drove down commodity sales revenues in Ontario. | joi54/Shutterstock

China’s National Sword and the evolving packaging stream have pushed up net recycling costs by nearly 13% in Canada’s largest province.

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Study explores southeast state’s contamination rate

Published: June 30, 2020

Recycling bins on a Florida street.

Researchers in Florida have noticed a gradual increase in contamination rates in recent years. | Blueee77/Shutterstock

MRFs in Florida have historically landfilled about one-quarter of the weight that comes in the door, according to a study commissioned by the Florida Recycling Partnership Foundation.

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