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Platform aims to scale up recycling sector digitization

Published: June 11, 2024

baled plastics

Matium both connects buyers and sellers and makes data reporting easier for users of the digital platform. | Ann-Moore/Shutterstock

Matium last month began the commercial launch of a platform that digitizes many aspects of the plastics recycling trading business. The company also received a recent funding boost from an economic development agency in Colorado.

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Women in Circularity: Martine Postma

Published: July 24, 2023


Martine Postma at RepairCafé Meevaart. | Martin Waalboer/Repair Café International

A warm welcome back to “Women in Circularity,” where we shine a light on women moving us toward a circular economy. This month, I connected with a reuse movement innovator who specializes in building “repair communities” around the globe: Martine Postma. Martine is the  founder and director of Repair Café International – a nonprofit foundation that makes reuse a part of the local community by sharing repair expertise through accessible community events. She has more than 14 years of experience in waste reduction and community building.  Continue Reading

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Women in Circularity: Karen Jayne

Published: January 29, 2024


A warm welcome back to “Women in Circularity,” where we shine a light on women moving us toward a circular economy. This month, I connected with a dedicated nonprofit professional: Karen Jayne. Karen is the Chief Executive Officer of Stardust in Phoenix, Arizona—an innovative nonprofit organization that operates two reuse centers and offers deconstruction services that diverts reclaimed building materials from landfills and supports economic and environmental sustainability in their community. She has more than 13 years of expertise in building materials reuse.  Continue Reading

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Women in Circularity: Denise Braun

Published: May 29, 2024


Denise Braun | Photo by Pedro Colo

A warm welcome back to “Women in Circularity,” where we shine a light on women moving us toward a circular economy. This month, I was pleased to connect with an expert in green buildings and zero waste: Denise Braun. Denise is a co-founder and president of All About Waste, a pioneering circular economy consulting firm that is proudly women- and minority-owned and is committed to a holistic approach that underscores collaboration, innovation, agility and environmental stewardship. She has more than 20 years of experience in sustainable buildings and technical waste management solutions.  Continue Reading

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By and for Minnesotans: How packaging EPR passed

Published: May 31, 2024

Eureka Recycling facility.

Eureka Recycling, which operates a MRF in Minneapolis, supported the packaging EPR bill. | Courtesy of Eureka Recycling

After months of collaboration and negotiation, stakeholders in Minnesota walked away with an extended producer responsibility bill for packaging that had elements both familiar and unique, and an overarching question: Is this the first state in a new wave of EPR or a continuation of early adopters? 

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Full plastic bag ban passes California Senate

Published: June 4, 2024


Senate Bill 1053 revises California’s bag ban to state that reusable bags provided at point of sale cannot be made from plastic film. | jon nightingale/Shutterstock

A bill that expands California’s bag ban to prohibit all plastic bags – even the reusable recycled-content bags that are a major driver of post-consumer film resin sales – is working its way through the California legislative system.
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AMP using AI sortation tech to separate MSW, organics

Published: June 4, 2024


The AMP ONE system, pictured here at a RDS facility in Virginia, sorts bagged material into mixed recyclables, organics and residue. | Courtesy of AMP

Recycling and Disposal Solutions of Virginia launched an AI-powered system from equipment supplier AMP that is sorting mixed recyclables and organic material from municipal solid waste at one of its facilities. 

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