The State of Colorado is now offering tax breaks on machinery purchases made by recycling companies and remanufacturers.
The State of Colorado is now offering tax breaks on machinery purchases made by recycling companies and remanufacturers.
The Recycling Partnership has provided a grant to help communities in Outagamie County, Wis. transition to single-stream recycling. The nonprofit industry group also recently announced it has released a free online kit of resources for recycling programs.
Republic Services, the second-largest waste hauler in North America, has released its 2015 sustainability report, and the assessment offers insights into how the company is managing its recycling program.
Logistics experts predict the current low costs of moving recyclables from processing plants to end-use mills will continue through the end of the year.
California’s recycling and organics processing infrastructure is getting an upgrade thanks to a recent budget agreement awaiting the governor’s signature.
The first half of the year showed few upticks in volume or price for exported recyclables.
Students attending New Orleans-area universities this week accepted scholarships from the National Recycling Coalition.
The amount of recycled content in cardboard boxes hit 48.4 percent in 2015, according to the Corrugated Packaging Alliance.
National parks welcome more than 300 million visitors each year, but less than half of those people actually separate their recyclables from their trash before leaving.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is expanding its Energy Star Portfolio Manager, allowing the commercial and institutional sector to make more informed choices about materials management.