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Reusable packaging generating reports, action

Published: December 4, 2023

Pile of mixed single use plastics.

Canadian technology company is working to reduce single-use plastic foodware at universities. | Kanittha Boon/Shutterstock

Several recently published reports from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and Oceana explored how to scale reusable packaging, while a Canadian company took another step toward establishing one such system. Continue Reading

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Plastic bag drop-off resource is taken off-line

Published: December 4, 2023


The Film Drop-Off Directory is ending services after 20 years of operation. | Pavel Kubarkov/Shutterstock

A long-running comprehensive guide to public drop-off sites accepting plastic film has been taken down, leaving a gap in consumer-facing recycling information for bags and other flexible packaging. Continue Reading

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Paper and plastic exports continue to decline

Published: December 4, 2023


Export figures are following a yearslong trend of decline due to market changes, trade policy and China’s National Sword. | Chenxueting/Shutterstock

The U.S. continued to export less scrap fiber and plastic during the first nine months of this year, with notable drops in paper shipped to India and plastic shipped to Mexico.  Continue Reading

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NERC: Fiber makes up greater share of tons

Published: November 27, 2023

Bales of cardboard gathered for recycling.

Recently published figures from the Northeast Recycling Council unpacked the proportions of materials in curbside recycling bales. | Philip R/Shutterstock

For all the global, national and state-level arguments and policymaking surrounding plastics, paper continues to increase its already-large share of the curbside bin, new data shows. Continue Reading

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NY attorney general sues PepsiCo over river pollution

Published: November 27, 2023


A lawsuit from New York State Attorney General Letitia James makes a number of allegations against PepsiCo, including failure to warn the public about the environmental impact of its products. | Pixinoo/Shutterstock

New York State’s attorney general is the latest to launch a lawsuit against a major brand over plastic, this time focused on pollution. Continue Reading

EPA studies costs of recycling programs, awards grants

Published: November 27, 2023

Folders showing grants, projects and funding titles.

As the EPA issues tens of millions in grants, it is also funding research to ensure that grant money is used effectively. | Olivier Le Moal/Shutterstock

The U.S. EPA is sponsoring a study of the costs and benefits of municipal recycling programs, and at the same time the agency is directing more funding toward the sector.  Continue Reading

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