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Fiber continues to flow to China … for now

Published: October 8, 2019


Trade data shows the U.S. has exported 4.2 million short tons of recovered fiber to China from January through August this year. | apiguide/Shutterstock

China continues to import a substantial amount of OCC from the U.S. and elsewhere. But an all-out ban and other regulatory changes loom on the horizon.

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Details on $315 million NY mill project

Published: October 8, 2019


The CorrVentures mill in N.Y. projects to consume some 330,000 tons per year of mixed paper and OCC. | sylv1rob1/Shutterstock

Developers of a recycled paper mill in New York have released new feedstock and financial figures for the project.

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TerraCycle reports boosted sales and income numbers

Published: October 1, 2019


Most of TerraCycle’s revenue comes from four separate operating segments.  | Poungsaed Studio/Shutterstock

A company that focuses on hard-to-recycle materials says new partnerships with brand owners and increased sales of mail-in recycling boxes drove better financial results during the first half of 2019.

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Pepsi: Better infrastructure needed on plastic recovery

Published: October 1, 2019


Pepsico has a 25% recycled content goal for the company’s plastic packaging. | LuqmanLutfi Photography/Shutterstock

It’s clear the current recycling system can’t deliver sufficient resin for brand owners to hit their increasingly ambitious recycled-content goals. A PepsiCo executive recently discussed that supply gap.

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Our top stories from September 2019

Published: October 1, 2019


Last month’s news about Norpac caught reader’s attention. | Google Maps screen capture.

Paper market analysis (and a visit by President Trump to a paper mill) caught the clicks of readers last month.

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ISRI quantifies economic might of US recycling

Published: October 1, 2019


An ISRI commissioned study found that the U.S. recycling industry directly or indirectly supports nearly 532,000 jobs. | priscilla list/Shutterstock

A recently released study estimates the U.S. recycling industry will have a nearly $110 billion economic impact this year. That’s about 6% lower than the number from two years ago.

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