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Study explores province’s glass markets

Published: March 10, 2020


Ontario marketed nearly 82,000 metric tons of curbside glass in 2017, sending most of it to NexCycle, a division of Strategic Materials. | Josep Curto/Shutterstock

A market analysis found a number of downstream options for Ontario’s curbside glass, but material quality and cost challenges pose roadblocks to using many of them.

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Company plans US recycled paper pulping facility

Published: March 10, 2020


The Total Fiber Recovery project joins a number of other domestic recycled fiber processing capacity expansions that have been announced or come on-line since China began restricting imports. | Siwakorn1933/Shutterstock

A plant taking in mixed paper and OCC is on the way in Virginia, the latest planned domestic market expansion for U.S. recovered fiber.

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One state moves toward mandating solar panel recycling

Published: March 10, 2020


The recently introduced legislation covers solar panels in residential, commercial and industrial use. | Heinz Trebuth/Shutterstock

Legislation in Arizona would establish recycling requirements for end-of-life solar panels, directing manufacturers to create a recycling program or face a per-panel fee at point-of-sale.

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Our top stories from February 2020

Published: March 10, 2020

Curbside recycling carts in front of residential properties.

A new report on the state of curbside recycling in the United States drew attention in February. | stephen rudolph/Shutterstock

Stories about declining export markets and painful curbside recyclables pricing drew our readers’ attention last month.

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Fiber end users continue to evolve with export markets

Published: March 3, 2020

Fiber bales

During recent earnings calls, a number of fiber company executives touched on pricing trends they are seeing around OCC and other grades.

One major U.S. mill operator is actively shipping recycled paper pulp to China, and another is installing equipment to bring in lower grades of paper feedstock. Those were a few takeaways from recent earnings calls from publicly traded paper firms.

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Group looks to build ‘critical mass’ around PP recovery

Published: March 3, 2020


The new effort will explore how PP packaging types that are not currently recycled could be in the future. | JohnKwan/Shutterstock

The Recycling Partnership is gearing up to launch the Polypropylene Recycling Coalition to develop holistic solutions for diverting the growing array of packaging made with No. 5 plastic.

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NERC: Survey shows rise in MRF processing costs

Published: March 3, 2020

Inside the recycling facility.

For MRFs in the Northeastern U.S., the average value of a ton of recyclables was $42.41 during the fourth quarter of 2019.

Curbside recyclables pricing in the Northeastern U.S. was fairly flat late last year, but processing costs for recycling facilities increased noticeably, according to a Northeast Recycling Council survey.

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