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Firms to face vaccine policy considerations

Published: December 8, 2020

Closeup of a syringe and vaccine vial.

An employment lawyer recently said there isn’t a clear answer yet on whether non-healthcare employers can force employees to receive COVID-19 vaccinations, but there are some indications they’ll be allowed to. | Rohane Hamilton/Shutterstock

As the country gets closer to coronavirus vaccine approvals and distribution, recycling business managers may soon face a thorny question: whether to force employees to inoculate.

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China confirms expanded import ban starting Jan. 1

Published: December 1, 2020

Chinese flag with the Yangtze River in background.

The Chinese government has been enacting restrictions over the past few years, with a full ban coming into effect Jan. 1, 2021. | Wangkun Jia/Shutterstock

The Chinese Ministry of Ecology and Environment last week announced details about the country’s upcoming ban on all materials it classifies as “solid waste,” including recovered fiber.

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Here are the details on recycling exports in the third quarter

Published: December 1, 2020

OCC bales for recycling on a truck bed.

China remains the largest buyer of U.S. fiber, importing 1.86 million short tons during the third quarter. | F Armstrong Photography/Shutterstock

Paper and plastic exports continue to trend lower than in previous years, even as shipments increase to certain countries, recent figures show.

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Roller-coaster ride continues for recycling markets

Published: December 1, 2020

Curbside waste and recycling bins in Oakville, Ontario.

The average value of a ton of recyclables dropped in the U.S. Northeast and Ontario in the third quarter. | Camillo Clauser/Shutterstock

Average commodity values tumbled by about one-fifth during the third quarter, according to a survey of northeastern U.S. MRFs. A price sheet for Ontario showed the same downward trend.

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China’s 2021 ban ‘will not have massive impact’ on fiber markets

Published: October 20, 2020

Cargo shipping containers stacked at a logistics hub.

Next year, China is widely expected to close the door completely to recovered fiber imports, a move that has the industry in a cautious state. | BigPixel Photo/Shutterstock

Is the global recycled paper sector prepared for China’s complete exit from the market next year? Experts weighed in during a recent Bureau of International Recycling session.

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