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Women in Circularity: Denise Braun

Published: May 29, 2024


Denise Braun | Photo by Pedro Colo

A warm welcome back to “Women in Circularity,” where we shine a light on women moving us toward a circular economy. This month, I was pleased to connect with an expert in green buildings and zero waste: Denise Braun. Denise is a co-founder and president of All About Waste, a pioneering circular economy consulting firm that is proudly women- and minority-owned and is committed to a holistic approach that underscores collaboration, innovation, agility and environmental stewardship. She has more than 20 years of experience in sustainable buildings and technical waste management solutions.  Continue Reading

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By and for Minnesotans: How packaging EPR passed

Published: May 31, 2024

Eureka Recycling facility.

Eureka Recycling, which operates a MRF in Minneapolis, supported the packaging EPR bill. | Courtesy of Eureka Recycling

After months of collaboration and negotiation, stakeholders in Minnesota walked away with an extended producer responsibility bill for packaging that had elements both familiar and unique, and an overarching question: Is this the first state in a new wave of EPR or a continuation of early adopters? 

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Full plastic bag ban passes California Senate

Published: June 4, 2024


Senate Bill 1053 revises California’s bag ban to state that reusable bags provided at point of sale cannot be made from plastic film. | jon nightingale/Shutterstock

A bill that expands California’s bag ban to prohibit all plastic bags – even the reusable recycled-content bags that are a major driver of post-consumer film resin sales – is working its way through the California legislative system.
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AMP using AI sortation tech to separate MSW, organics

Published: June 4, 2024


The AMP ONE system, pictured here at a RDS facility in Virginia, sorts bagged material into mixed recyclables, organics and residue. | Courtesy of AMP

Recycling and Disposal Solutions of Virginia launched an AI-powered system from equipment supplier AMP that is sorting mixed recyclables and organic material from municipal solid waste at one of its facilities. 

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Packaging EPR success takes a diverse coalition

Published: June 4, 2024


A May 28 webinar, “Coalition Building for Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging and Paper Products,” shared tips and tricks for passing EPR legislation with a strong group of supporters. | OnePhoto/Shutterstock

Getting extended producer responsibility legislation passed takes a strong coalition, targeted education and a lot of meetings, those involved with the process in several states said during a recent webinar. 

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In My Opinion: Data to Support Effective and Impactful Packaging Policy

Published: May 31, 2024


Graphic by Eunomia Consulting

Across the United States, there is growing consideration among advocates and legislators regarding the role of policy in advancing recycling services to ensure equitable access and opportunity to residents while maximizing environmental and economic outcomes. This is exemplified through recent progress in extended producer responsibility policy for packaging. In 2024, nine states – from New York to Tennessee – have introduced legislation for packaging EPR, with the Minnesota governor recently signing an EPR bill, while the four states that have already passed EPR are rapidly moving through implementation phases. 

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Crossroads Paper is back, planning a mill in Nevada

Published: May 29, 2024

Baled OCC for recycling.

Crossroads Paper is now planning a 30-month construction project for a mill near Winnemucca, Nevada. | Max Barnum/Shutterstock

The team behind a proposed Utah recycled paper mill has resurfaced with plans that move the site west, now aiming to build a mill in northern Nevada to process mixed paper and OCC into 350,000 tons per year of recycled containerboard. Continue Reading

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Oregon’s 2022 recovery tonnage misses goal

Published: May 29, 2024

The State of Oregon seal at a park in Salem, Ore.

Oregon residents generated about 6.1 million tons of material in 2022, with 3.7 million tons going to landfills and incinerators and 2.4 million tons recovered. | JPL Designs/Shutterstock

The amount of material Oregonians disposed of in 2022 dropped significantly from the year before, but that was largely due to fewer building-destroying wildfires, according to the latest state Material Recovery and Waste Generation Rates report.  Continue Reading

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US Senate hearing dives into the impact of grants

Published: May 29, 2024

U.S. Capitol with reflecting pond in foreground.

In late May, the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works committee held a hearing on improving reuse and recycling in the United States. | S-F/Shutterstock

Members of the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works committee asked questions about grants, private funding, support for rural communities and diverting food scraps during a May 22 hearing on local efforts to improve reuse and recycling.

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