With material buyers today paying less for recyclables but demanding higher quality, some recycling companies have cut back or closed.
Peoria Disposal Company (PDC), however, has rolled with the punches – and hit back with a multi-million-dollar upgrade to its Pekin, Ill. materials recovery facility.
The city of Winnipeg’s inbound contamination rate averaged 14.5% over the first two months of 2020, according to GFL Environmental.
As of last October, the Canadian city of Winnipeg has been sending its household recyclables to a technology-heavy MRF that uses seven optical sorters and a robot.
Republic Services believes a different sorting approach can bring about positive change.
It may have low-tech lines and buildings going back four decades, but the dual-stream MRF in Berkeley, Calif. produces clean material that meets the demands of buyers today.
When it first opened more than a decade ago, the Durham Region Material Recovery Facility (MRF) in Ontario was Canada’s first dual-stream facility to use an optical sorter.