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Category: Opinion

In My Opinion: Data to Support Effective and Impactful Packaging Policy

Published: May 31, 2024


Graphic by Eunomia Consulting

Across the United States, there is growing consideration among advocates and legislators regarding the role of policy in advancing recycling services to ensure equitable access and opportunity to residents while maximizing environmental and economic outcomes. This is exemplified through recent progress in extended producer responsibility policy for packaging. In 2024, nine states – from New York to Tennessee – have introduced legislation for packaging EPR, with the Minnesota governor recently signing an EPR bill, while the four states that have already passed EPR are rapidly moving through implementation phases. 

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In My Opinion: Use IR detection to help prevent fires

Published: May 8, 2023


David C. Bursell of MoviTHERM believes infrared technology is a game changer for protecting the lives of workers and avoiding property damage at recycling facilities. | Piotr Zajda/Shutterstock

This op-ed has been updated.

Waste and recycling facilities are crucial in handling the world’s growing waste streams, but they pose a significant risk of fires. Continue Reading

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In My Opinion: EPR can shift recycling into high gear

Published: February 6, 2023


Dylan de Thomas with The Recycling Partnership believes that EPR policies could help the U.S. achieve higher recycling rates. | vvoe/Shutterstock

The last several years have been a real roller coaster ride in the news for recycling, with the industry being called all manner of pejoratives, up to and including “dead.”

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