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Our top stories from April 2022

Published: May 3, 2022

Aerial shot of port activity.

Analysis of how snarls in global supply chains are impacting recycling equipment providers and MRF operators was of interest to readers last month. | BaanTaksinStudio/Shutterstock

A variety of articles drew our readers’ interest last month, including coverage of a large MRF contract, a battle over EPR in Colorado, equipment delivery delays and more.

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Paper recycling sits at center of evolving EPR debate

Published: April 27, 2022

Bales of recycled paper products.

Paper recycling has moved to the center of the EPR debate in Colorado. | olephoto/Shutterstock

Municipal recycling advocates and the fiber manufacturing industry are at odds over a producer responsibility proposal in Colorado, underscoring a major rift in the push for stronger recycling policy.

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US plastic recycling numbers continue to fall

Published: April 26, 2022

PET bottles collected for recycling.

Broken down by scrap type, a study found that bottles, non-bottle rigid plastics and other plastics all saw declines individually in 2020. | TeuNg StyLe/Shutterstock

The U.S. is processing more of its scrap plastic domestically, but the overall weight of plastic recycled in 2020 dropped just under 6% from 2019, according to an annual industry report.

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MRF operator: Lithium-ion batteries are ‘ticking time bombs’

Published: April 13, 2021

Fire truck in motion with lights on.

A fire at Tulsa’s MRF is the latest example of the industry trend of fires caused by improperly disposed batteries and electronics. | BlurAZ/Shutterstock

The city of Tulsa, Okla. was forced to redirect its residential recycling stream to a waste-to-energy plant after an improperly discarded battery sparked a blaze at a local MRF.

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How Northeast facilities have adjusted to COVID-19

Published: May 18, 2021


Industry leaders detailed how recycling operations have adapted a year into the pandemic.

During a recent virtual panel, the Northeast Resource Recovery Association reported that many recycling facilities are operating at 100% again, after pandemic disruptions. Additionally, a disease expert offered current guidance on preventing spread in facilities.

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Northeast MRFs report 120% boost in value of a blended ton

Published: June 8, 2021

Baled OCC for recycling.

The Northeast Recycling Council (NERC) received market pricing numbers from 16 MRFs in 10 states for its first-quarter 2021 survey. | Max Barnum / Shutterstock

A pricing survey of Northeast U.S. recycling facilities underscores the impact of skyrocketing commodity prices during the first quarter.

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Oregon legislation revamps recycling in multiple ways

Published: June 29, 2021

Oregon capitol building.

Oregon legislators have sent an EPR bill to Democratic Gov. Kate Brown for a final signature. | Noah Strycker / Shutterstock

The Oregon House and Senate last week approved a bill establishing extended producer responsibility for packaging and adding other elements to the state’s recycling system, including new requirements for MRFs and an evaluation program for product labels. Continue Reading

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Why nonprofit recycling operators decided to unite

Published: June 28, 2021

View inside Eureka Recycling's facility.

Eureka Recycling, one of the founding members of AMBR, operates a MRF in Minneapolis. | Photo credit: Mark Kegans

Four organizations that run recycling operations recently created the Alliance of Mission-Based Recyclers to advocate for recycling and zero waste policies during a period of “systemic changes.”

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Robotics firm claims greater efficiency in a smaller package

Published: August 17, 2021

EverestLabs robotic cell.

EverestLabs High Recovery Robot Cells performed 104 picks per minute compared to 70 on the company’s Delta system. | Courtesy of EverestLabs

EverestLabs released a new robotic sorting system that the company says can perform more picks and fit in a wider range of MRF settings compared with previous robotic equipment.

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Nebraska MRF adds plastic-lumber manufacturing line

Published: August 3, 2021

Materials on a conveyor at a MRF.

With the planned upgrade, sorted and processed plastics will be converted into a plastic lumber inside Firstar’s facility. | jantsarik / Shutterstock

Firstar Fiber is receiving a loan from the Alliance to End Plastic Waste that will help the processor convert hard-to-recycle plastics into building materials, all within the confines of the MRF.

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