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Bloomberg Intelligence shares 66% OCC recycling rate

Published: August 6, 2024

Old cardboard containers (OCC) collected for recycling.

Revising its past years of OCC recycling rates, Bloomberg Intelligence is now estimating rates of 63% in 2022 and 66% in 2023. | Kenishirotie/Shutterstock

Bloomberg Intelligence has once again estimated a significantly lower OCC recycling rate than the paper manufacturing sector, and it revised past years’ rates with an updated methodology.  Continue Reading

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Sizable drop in fiber exports, plastics remain flat

Published: August 13, 2024

OCC bales for recycling on a truck bed.

Fiber exports continued their multiyear downward trajectory overall, though Canada and Malaysia marked double-digit increases on the year. | F-Armstrong-Photography/Shutterstock

Recovered paper exports angled downwards during the first half of 2024, as major overseas buyers decreased their purchases by as much as 30% year over year. On the plastics side, more than half the material that left the U.S. stayed in North America.

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Consortium offers blueprint to establish composting

Published: August 13, 2024

Food scraps collected in a bucket.

The Composting Consortium’s new blueprint, as well as two new free platforms, can help communities develop and scale up composting programs. | maerzkind/Shutterstock

A new blueprint from the Composting Consortium aims to guide municipalities in establishing and scaling composting infrastructure and organics management programs.

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Jeff Fielkow tapped as Circular Action Alliance CEO

Published: August 13, 2024


Circular Action Alliance hired Jeff Fielkow as CEO, putting him at the head of an organization with ambitious extended producer responsibility goals. | Monticello/Shutterstock

Circular Action Alliance picked Jeff Fielkow as CEO, putting the industry veteran at the head of several fast-paced plans to roll out extended producer responsibility laws for paper and packaging. 

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Rumpke’s new MRF centers on education, collaboration

Published: August 13, 2024


The new recycling center in Ohio combines vast processing capacity with community outreach and education, company leadership said in an interview. | Courtesy of Rumpke

Understanding customer needs has shaped the new Rumpke Waste & Recycling facility in Columbus, Ohio, and will help increase incoming volumes, according to company leadership. Continue Reading

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CRI report shows declining DRS redemption rates

Published: August 13, 2024

Aluminum cans baled for recycling.

The DRS redemption rate decreases ranged from 1% to 4%, with only two states tallying increases. | Kwangmoozaa/Shutterstock

New data from the Container Recycling Institute showed falling beverage container redemption rates in most states with deposit return systems in 2023, which advocates said shows the need to modernize aging systems. 

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