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Carton robot boosts capture, reduces MRF residue

Published: May 30, 2023


An AMP Robotics unit, nicknamed Arturito, is allowing the city of Dallas to accept cartons at curbside. | Courtesy of FCC Environmental

A recently installed carton-sorting robot at FCC Environmental Services’ Dallas MRF has reduced residue by about 11%, one reason the unit is “going to have a pretty big financial impact for us,” a company manager said.  Continue Reading

MRFs, reclaimers get PET grants

Published: April 17, 2023

PET bales stacked for recycling.

Recipients will put the grant money toward growing their processing capabilities. | Menzl Guenter/Shutterstock

Five grants from an initiative of The Recycling Partnership are projected to boost PET capture by 5.1 million pounds per year, among other improvements.

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ADS plans recycled HDPE ‘debottlenecking’ projects

Published: June 5, 2023


ADS’ plans for improved efficiency include automating material handling, pelletizing upgrades and expanded storage capacity. | Courtesy of Advanced Drainage Systems

Advanced Drainage Systems is in the midst of multiyear, multimillion-dollar recycling debottlenecking efforts that include upgrading recycling equipment and improving materials handling capabilities, an executive said.

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Our top stories from May 2023

Published: June 5, 2023


A story that touched on Cascades’ recently retooled paper mill in Virginia drew attention last month. | Courtesy of Cascades

A mix of stories touching on fiber markets and policy proposals, especially extended producer responsibility laws, attracted ample clicks last month. Continue Reading

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WestRock uses record percentage of recovered fiber

Published: June 5, 2023


During the 2022 fiscal year, WestRock handled 7.1 million tons of recyclables at its recycling facilities. | Postmodern Studio/Shutterstock

Container and paperboard manufacturer WestRock continues to consume internally a larger and larger portion of the recovered fiber the company handles each year, achieving a high of 79% last year.  Continue Reading

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Lessons from France: Eco-modulated fees not used effectively

Published: May 30, 2023


Analysts speaking in a recent GAIA webinar said eco-modulated fees on packaging fail to incentivize reduction and reuse. | Photoeu/Shutterstock

As extended producer responsibility programs for packaging start to take hold in the U.S., many are looking to Europe for ideas. Several stakeholders in the decades-old French system shared some lessons they’ve learned, including that eco-modulated fees have not achieved their desired effect.   Continue Reading

Flexible film recycling pilot launches in Canada

Published: May 30, 2023


PRFLEX will employ consulting firms to first gather data on film recycling, then propose solutions to improve collection and get more recycled film into packaging. | Courtesy of PRFLEX

A number of circularity organizations have collaborated to launch PRFLEX, an effort to improve flexible plastic recycling in Canada.  Continue Reading

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