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Arglass improves feedstock supply with partnership

Published: June 26, 2023


A partnership between two glass recycling stakeholders is expected to divert 210 million glass bottles from landfill every year. | Pjhpix/Shutterstock

Arglass Yamamura partnered with The Upcycling Company to feed its bottle factory and bring glass recycling access to 1.7 million residents in Georgia and Northern Florida.  Continue Reading

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Casella, AMP and others announce MRF projects

Published: June 26, 2023


Robotic machinery recently installed by AMP Robotics at the Kent County Recycling and Education Center. | Courtesy of AMP Robotics

Sorting robots have been installed at Northeast and Midwest MRFs, and Balcones Resources appears set to operate a new MRF far away from its current service areas.  Continue Reading

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Oregon PET facility upgrade will nearly double capacity

Published: June 26, 2023


Two new wet grinders have been installed next to the old one at the ORPET recycling plant in St. Helens, Ore. | Jared Paben/Resource Recycling

A Pacific Northwest PET reclaimer is working to expand its capacity, with an eye toward continued population growth in Oregon and a potential bottle bill on the horizon in Washington state.  Continue Reading

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Experts outline role of policy in sparking recycling markets

Published: June 20, 2023


During a recent AMERIPEN webinar, industry insiders discussed the importance of policy for building end markets for recycled materials. | SunnyToys/Shutterstock

Without a market for a material, collection is not economically viable – but how can end markets be created unless there is stable supply? A webinar recently explored the role of legislation in solving that industry paradox. Continue Reading

How to inspire real behavior change among residents

Published: June 20, 2023


A report from The Recycling Partnership stressed the importance of repeated, targeted communications with residents to keep them informed and up to date. | A9 Studio/Shutterstock

The Recycling Partnership’s Center for Sustainable Behavior and Impact this week released an in-depth report on decreasing consumer confusion and spurring better recycling habits. Continue Reading

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Recycling takeaways from a trio of recent studies

Published: June 20, 2023

Glass bottle and cullet

Two container companies saw progress on their recycled content goals. Meanwhile, consumer advocates urged San Francisco to reinstate a retailer collection obligation. | Pjhpix/Shutterstock

Crown Holdings and O-I Glass recently released sustainability reports, and a bottle deposit pilot in California racked up more expenses than deposits, according to a watchdog report. Continue Reading

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Insight from voices at the center of environmental justice

Published: June 20, 2023


Speakers on the “Frontline Communities” panel included (from left) Sandra Gonza, Jo Banner, Paulina Lopez and Joy Banner. | Dan Leif/Resource Recycling

As companies across the sector try to navigate concerns around environmental justice, leaders of activist groups have some advice: Stop and listen to the local community first. Continue Reading