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NERC: Fiber makes up greater share of tons

Published: November 27, 2023

Bales of cardboard gathered for recycling.

Recently published figures from the Northeast Recycling Council unpacked the proportions of materials in curbside recycling bales. | Philip R/Shutterstock

For all the global, national and state-level arguments and policymaking surrounding plastics, paper continues to increase its already-large share of the curbside bin, new data shows. Continue Reading

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NY attorney general sues PepsiCo over river pollution

Published: November 27, 2023


A lawsuit from New York State Attorney General Letitia James makes a number of allegations against PepsiCo, including failure to warn the public about the environmental impact of its products. | Pixinoo/Shutterstock

New York State’s attorney general is the latest to launch a lawsuit against a major brand over plastic, this time focused on pollution. Continue Reading

EPA studies costs of recycling programs, awards grants

Published: November 27, 2023

Folders showing grants, projects and funding titles.

As the EPA issues tens of millions in grants, it is also funding research to ensure that grant money is used effectively. | Olivier Le Moal/Shutterstock

The U.S. EPA is sponsoring a study of the costs and benefits of municipal recycling programs, and at the same time the agency is directing more funding toward the sector.  Continue Reading

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EPA grants accelerate organics, reuse systems

Published: November 13, 2023


Iowa City, Iowa will use a $4 million grant from the U.S. EPA to expand its composting facility. | Courtesy of Iowa City

Recycling and reuse infrastructure has attracted the attention – and grant money – of the U.S. EPA, and communities across the U.S. are taking the opportunity to shape the funding to their specific visions.  Continue Reading

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Haulers continue to see recycling revenue drops

Published: November 13, 2023

GFL waste hauling truck.

North America’s five biggest waste and recycling haulers recently reported their financial numbers. | Philip Lange/Shutterstock

Recovered fiber prices have steadily increased throughout 2023, but for North America’s top five haulers, the recycling business still isn’t what it used to be. Continue Reading

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MRFs receive PET recovery grants

Published: November 13, 2023


A grinder at rPlanet Earth in the Los Angeles area. The PET reclaimer recently received a grant from the PET Recycling Coalition. | Courtesy of rPlanet Earth

The PET Recycling Coalition has given grants to three MRFs and a PET reclaimer to help them better recover and recycle post-consumer PET. Continue Reading

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Industry illness and injury rates on the rise in 2022

Published: November 13, 2023


After reaching a low point in 2021, workplace injuries and illnesses have since climbed back up. | 3rdtimeluckystudio/Shutterstock

Workers across the waste and recycling industry saw a higher rate of injuries and illnesses last year, after record low incident rates in 2021. Continue Reading

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