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Author Archives: Marissa Heffernan

About Marissa Heffernan

Marissa HeffernanMarissa Heffernan started working for Resource Recycling in January 2022 after spending several years as a reporter at a daily newspaper in Southwest Washington. After developing a special focus on recycling policy, they are also the editor of the monthly newsletter Policy Now. Heffernan can be contacted at [email protected].

Arkansas Supreme Court overturns recycling fees ruling

Published: March 20, 2023

Court gavel resting on books and wooden desk.

The higher court found that Fort Smith’s actions, though deceptive, did not rise to the level of an illegal exaction. | Rawf8/Shutterstock

The Arkansas Supreme Court overturned a lower court’s ruling that citizens were entitled to restitution of recycling fees after a city was discovered to be dumping recyclables in the landfill.

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Arglass improves feedstock supply with partnership

Published: June 26, 2023


A partnership between two glass recycling stakeholders is expected to divert 210 million glass bottles from landfill every year. | Pjhpix/Shutterstock

Arglass Yamamura partnered with The Upcycling Company to feed its bottle factory and bring glass recycling access to 1.7 million residents in Georgia and Northern Florida.  Continue Reading

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Experts outline role of policy in sparking recycling markets

Published: June 20, 2023


During a recent AMERIPEN webinar, industry insiders discussed the importance of policy for building end markets for recycled materials. | SunnyToys/Shutterstock

Without a market for a material, collection is not economically viable – but how can end markets be created unless there is stable supply? A webinar recently explored the role of legislation in solving that industry paradox. Continue Reading

How to inspire real behavior change among residents

Published: June 20, 2023


A report from The Recycling Partnership stressed the importance of repeated, targeted communications with residents to keep them informed and up to date. | A9 Studio/Shutterstock

The Recycling Partnership’s Center for Sustainable Behavior and Impact this week released an in-depth report on decreasing consumer confusion and spurring better recycling habits. Continue Reading

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Recycling takeaways from a trio of recent studies

Published: June 20, 2023

Glass bottle and cullet

Two container companies saw progress on their recycled content goals. Meanwhile, consumer advocates urged San Francisco to reinstate a retailer collection obligation. | Pjhpix/Shutterstock

Crown Holdings and O-I Glass recently released sustainability reports, and a bottle deposit pilot in California racked up more expenses than deposits, according to a watchdog report. Continue Reading

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DOE earmarks more funding to recycle batteries

Published: June 20, 2023

EV battery pack.

The expenditure is part of the Biden-Harris administration’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. | Sergii Chernov/Shutterstock

The U.S. Department of Energy is making $192 million available for battery recycling advancements and the launch of a battery research and development consortium. Continue Reading

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Quebec PRO looks to build MRF

Published: June 12, 2023

Inside a materials recovery facility. By Nordroden/Shutterstock

Éco Entreprises Québec plans to include “several innovative elements” at the upcoming MRF. | Nordroden/Shutterstock

A producer responsibility organization in Quebec just made its first big decision, selecting Green for Life to build and run a sorting center in Montreal. Continue Reading

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New York City, Connecticut eye policy changes

Published: June 12, 2023

Food waste gathered for composting.

The New York City Council aims to overhaul organics collection, and legislators in Connecticut face criticism from environmentalists over their embrace of gasification. | Esse David Falls/Shutterstock

Members of the New York City Council are looking to amp up organics recycling and push forward on zero-waste goals. Meanwhile, a bill that focuses on gasification facilities awaits the Connecticut governor’s signature.  Continue Reading

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EPA takes a closer look at lithium-ion batteries

Published: June 12, 2023

Close-up of a Li-ion battery.

The federal agency is chiefly concerned with the batteries’ propensity for starting fires. | Allyson Kitts/Shutterstock

The U.S. EPA recently clarified that lithium-ion batteries should be treated as hazardous waste, but did not yet change current recycling rules and regulations.  Continue Reading

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