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Author Archives: Pierre Benabidès and Sara-Emmanuelle Dubois

Health officials say PPE and proper cleaning are critical

Published: April 7, 2020


Human contact is the largest factor in the spread of COVID-19, making operational changes key in combatting the pandemic. | May the light be with you/Shutterstock

Occupational safety experts recently laid out the steps that are the most effective for preventing the spread of COVID-19 within waste and recycling operations.

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Pandemic causes host of complications for industry

Published: March 24, 2020


Analysts say the partial closure of the U.S.-Canada border may spook some Canadian garbage and recycling programs into undertaking contingency planning. | Yulia Lyubimova/Shutterstock

The coronavirus has prompted the closure of a state recycling association, and it spurred the Federal Reserve to encourage investors to continue lending to local governments. 

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