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Author Archives: Editorial Staff

Our top stories from December 2019

Published: January 7, 2020

Glass recycling in Fairfax County, Va.

A look into glass recycling in Fairfax County, Va. captured interest in December. | Courtesy of Fairfax County.

A mix of stories about exports, collection strategies, recycling rates, paper investments and recyclables pricing drew readers’ attention last month.

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Our top ten stories of 2019

Published: December 24, 2019

Fiber for recycling

News about fiber markets captured our readers’ clicks throughout 2019. | John McLenaghan/Shutterstock

Over the past 12 months, plummeting fiber prices have hamstrung programs and recycling operators across North America. Little surprise then that analysis of that trend grabbed significant attention from our readers.

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Data Corner: The recycling revenue slide for nation’s largest processor

Published: December 2, 2019


The impact of the seismic shift in recycling markets over the past two-and-a-half years can be clearly seen in the quarterly recycling revenue numbers of Waste Management, which operates roughly 100 materials recovery facilities in North America.

The publicly traded company has seen its quarterly recycling-related revenue decline 35% (from $375 million to $245 million) since the third quarter of 2017. In July of 2017, China announced its intention to ban many categories of recyclables, and the policy was implemented at the start of 2018.

Values for many key curbside materials have dropped significantly since then.

Information for this month’s Data Corner came from Waste Management’s publicly available earnings reports.

This article originally appeared in the November 2019 issue of Resource Recycling. Subscribe today for access to all print content.

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Our top stories from October 2019

Published: November 4, 2019


News about California legislation drew clicks in October. | Susanne Pommer/Shutterstock

A mix of stories about sorting infrastructure, brand owner commitments, legislation and markets drew our readers’ attention last month.

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Our top stories from November 2019

Published: December 3, 2019

US Capitol building exterior.

News about recycling-related legislation made the most-read list in November. | Yi Chen Chiang/Shutterstock

Stories about state and federal legislation, recovered material markets and the national recycling rate drew our readers’ attention last month.

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Our top stories from September 2019

Published: October 1, 2019


Last month’s news about Norpac caught reader’s attention. | Google Maps screen capture.

Paper market analysis (and a visit by President Trump to a paper mill) caught the clicks of readers last month.

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Our top stories from August 2019

Published: September 4, 2019

Aluminum cans for recycling.

RePlanet’s closure was of high interest last month. | Graham Corney/Shutterstock

Articles covering end user investments and market casualties drew our readers’ attention last month.

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