Details on the demise of Pace Glass was of interest to readers in November. | Google satellite image
The aluminum can industry’s push for deposits, a glass recycling firm’s failure, and the opening of two MRFs drew our readers’ clicks last month.
The list below shows our top stories published in November in terms of unique page views.
1| Aluminum can producers to lobby for deposit legislation
Beverage can manufacturers will direct money into pushing state lawmakers to pass new container deposit laws, as part of an industry effort to boost UBC recycling rates.
2 | Pace Glass, which had $90M processing plans, goes bust
A company working to build a post-consumer glass sorting facility in New Jersey has failed, and its equipment is being auctioned. Meanwhile, environmental regulators are suing the business over contaminated glass piles.
3 | Two new MRFs open their doors
Recycling facilities in Iowa and New Jersey recently started up operations, processing single-stream recyclables from nearby communities.
4 | With revenues soaring, WM and others invest in processing
Driven by labor market difficulties, Waste Management is accelerating its plans to upgrade MRFs so they can operate more profitably and with a smaller headcount, the company’s CEO said.
5 | EPA publishes finalized National Recycling Strategy
In conjunction with America Recycles Day, the U.S. EPA on Nov. 15 released a roadmap for improving municipal recycling across the country. Officials say materials recovery is an important component of materials management, but it is not the entire story.